Hmmm...Dave, a possible tip:

SSJ2 Vegeta

Dec 17, 2005
Islip Terrace, NY
Maybe it's just me, but I think that it would be better if you used white font for the Woods of Ypres logo if you plan on making more of the brown and green shirts.The color of my shirts are really dark, so the logo is hard to read. The green you can still notice a bit, but on the brown, it almost matches perfectly. Maybe it's just my shirts, but did anyone else notice this?
SSJ2 Vegeta said:
Maybe it's just me, but I think that it would be better if you used white font for the Woods of Ypres logo if you plan on making more of the brown and green shirts.The color of my shirts are really dark, so the logo is hard to read. The green you can still notice a bit, but on the brown, it almost matches perfectly. Maybe it's just my shirts, but did anyone else notice this?

Yeah on my brown shirt you can hardly see the logo at...I was dissapointed to say the least. Its weird cuz if you look at the pics of the on the merch thread the logos are really clear.
Thanks for the suggestion. The logos on the Earth Brown and the Forest Green shirts will become more visable as the shirts get worn, washed and faded. Just watch! We even plan to do some "Black on Black" shirts this upcomming winter, with the same idea. They'll look better as they get old.

Other new Woods shirt ideas on the horizon...

1. The Blood Red Autumn Woods Shirt (September)
2. The "Type O Negative" Halloween 2006 Woods Shirt (October)
3. The White on Black "Your Ontario Town is a Burial Ground" Shirt (November)

David Gold said:
3. The White on Black "Your Ontario Town is a Burial Ground" Shirt (November)

I'm looking forward to this one.

Black on Black? I can just imagine:

"Dude, you can't even read it!"
"Shut the fuck up bro, I washed this shirt 3 times today! I'm working on it!"

:lol: :p
I personally like the dark logo on a dark shirt. It's certainly different from the usual "metal" shirt. The dark on dark scheme is much more subtle. The black on black would be even more grim. The only shirt I've seen like that is the old NIN shirts. Those shirts are like a fine wine. They only improve with age. Not to worry though, we'll make some absurd metal shirts not suitable for the family dinner table. :zombie:

btw, I'm not a big NIN fan or anything like that. :danceboy:
Tr00 Canadian grimness that :p

Blood red should be awesome, I might have to get me one of those.
I claim the idea for the blood red shirts :P


I can't wait, I'm going to pick one up as soon as you guys put them out. Only thing is, I'll be back in school by that time and not working as much, so hopefully between school expenses (food/books. FUCKING BOOKS.) I'll be able to purchase one.

As for my brown WoY shirt, seems that I can see the logo just fine. Certainly is a bit different from all my other black shirts. I wish more bands would make shirts with just the logo on them. I prefer them like that, as opposed to my Iced Earth shirt that has the Something Wicked album cover on it.
I can't wait to see the preview for the shirts. Black on Black would be awesome, although I'm sure people would find it hard to read. If I were to buy a shirt, I'd want people to see "Woods Of Ypres" right on it, and rock their fuckin world, rather then have them right up on my chest reading it.

Maybe I'll buy a shitload and have one for every day of the week, who knows
SSJ2 Vegeta said:
I'm looking forward to this one.

Black on Black? I can just imagine:

"Dude, you can't even read it!"
"Shut the fuck up bro, I washed this shirt 3 times today! I'm working on it!"

:lol: :p


I'm buying one of those for sure.
Black on black reminds me of Katatonia's shirt, sounds interesting too.

I still need to get myself an earth tone shirt!

And once or if the hoodies are made, I will be getting one no matter what, serious lack of decent hoodies right now, aside from my Behemoth hoodie.
Hmm, If you get black on black, you should use like a Velvety thing for the logo, that shit looks awesome.
Ohhhhhh!!! Dave, I just thought of something! Will you be bringing the toques back for the winter of 2006? If so, how 'bout doing like half toques and half beanies? Or at least throwing in a couple of beanies into the batch or something.