Hmmm, what does my mix need?


New Metal Member
Jan 15, 2010
Hey guys, this is my first post here.

I've been putting a bunch of old ideas together and have been playing with different sounds/eq etc.

Any ideas on what I could improve in my mix?

Equipment: SD2.0, Logic, AxeFx Recto New Model patch with RedWirez IRs, also some of the leads are my old L6 TonePort tones that I haven't recreated in the AxeFx yet. Bass is direct via an Avalon U5. I don't have studio monitors yet (this is just a headphone mix)...hope to pick up some Tannoys in the near future.

Thanks in advance for any feedback you might be able to provide!


Guitars sound a bit fizzy to me and could have a bit more high end. i don't really like snare sound like a whip to me... but overall ok :p