Hobbies next to music?


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
I've got 2 other.
1 - football/futsall (soccer to US). Every week twice, training and competition
2 - Slotcars. Yes the small cars on a track. I've got a nice collection of Scalextric tracks combined as one big track. The track is around 30 meters, I've got 10 cars, and it's digital. So up to 6 racers at once on the track.

Music is my favourite tho!
The interwebs (building web sites,youtube, Sneap forum, IDM forum and so on)
Beer & weed. (weed & beer)
Reading (Books)
Boobs & the woman's body in general. (boobs) ;)
Other than music and playing guitar... the next runner-up for me would have to be Video games - I play Halo 3 competitively and am on an MLG (Major League Gaming) team.
1. Gaming - Used to be _REALLY_ good at Quake World(Almost Pro-Level, now i sux though.), now im in Europe's best Insurgency-team(Clan Sweet.).
2. Graphics/Photomanipulation - Everything from retouching, repairing destroyed photographs to creating 3D-models.
1. Gaming - Used to be _REALLY_ good at Quake World(Almost Pro-Level, now i sux though.), now im in Europe's best Insurgency-team(Clan Sweet.).
2. Graphics/Photomanipulation - Everything from retouching, repairing destroyed photographs to creating 3D-models.
I personally don't like calling gaming a hobby, as I feel something can only be a hobby if it has a personal edification component, and IMO gaming is little more than self-indulgence; doesn't mean I still don't do a shitload of it though! :D But yeah, besides music/production I'd say I don't really have any hobbies, though I am into cars (though nowhere near as much as I used to be back in high school)
You know, I don't even think I'm into anything else these days. I only realized recently that if you want to do the audio gig full time and truly try to 'make it', it really takes a lot out of you, and requires a much greater commitment and sacrifice than most think. There just isn't time for anything else. Though that isn't to say I don't try to sink in as much gaming as humanly possible!

Back in the day I used to love military avionics & working out. Would be great to get a chance to indulge both hobbies again at some point.
- love hiking around the woods, but don't do it much these days
- hang with the family a lot, doing the dad thing (take up the most time, leaves little for much else)
- read (books)
- collect/read comic books (mainly 50s-70s horror); can get expensive, but what hobby isn't!?
- watch movies/TV
- a bit of cooking
- drink beer and wine
- work out a bit (too sporadically)
- solder up guitar effect boxes (not lately)