Wow, this is a amazing band!!!! I just purchased their second cd, "With Vilest of Worms to Dwell" after hearing only the first song. I took it home and was amazed by what I heard. I have had a few days to listen to it and just am fucking in love with it. I think you guys will like this stuff. Its so atmospheric, and chaotic. I don't say this meaning its fast and noisy I mean that there is a lot going on in the music and it is executed perfectly. It is like very very symphonic melodic death metal. There is usually orchestra instruments playing, and it sounds like a real orchestra. Vocals are usually a low guttural rasp, but the vocalist is capable of achieving some spectacular clean vocals, and harmonies. Check these guys out, I don't think you will be dissapointed! If you are looking for a couple songs to check out get "Fire Upon the Blade" and "Woe to the Defeated". Tell me what you guys think, I think there are some samples on the site ( if you dont have audiogalaxy or something.