Thanks for the Hollenthon recomendation!


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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I don't recall who suggested this amazing band on this board, I know a few of you did, but thanks!!:grin: I just picked up "Vilest of Worms..." a week or so ago and I can't stop listening to it. Each time I hear something new, there is so much going on and so many layers. The musicianship is extraordinary, the songwriting is fantastic, and the production is flawless ( a GREAT headphone cd!). Anyways, just wanted to voice my appreciation of another great cd discovered on this board!:grin:
WOW! Hollenthon are the business! Prrrr Demonspell cheers for that link! I advise you have a listen to Alchemist if you get the chance, very nice! (they just signed to Relapse I think, so best of luck to them).
I have a question about Hollenthon. How is their music actually made? Do people play the instruments or is all samples or something? I remember reading somewhere that there was some mastermind behind the whole thing. I'm a little boggled by it...
Gordian Knot and Spastic Ink come to mind first.. Some great stuff in there but also a lot of musical masturbation... Also worth checking out are Sunblaze ( ). They are more classical than technical orientated though.. they also have a vocalist..

For fans of Hollenthon I would recommend Betray My Secrets, not that they sound anything like Hollenthon but I've found that people who dig Hollenthon also like BMS.
Hollenthon has a "mastermind" yes, isn't it one of the guys who started either Pungent Stench or Disharmonic Orchestra???

Check out the debut album too, it's great.
I bought 4 in the woods... cd's from the end records; they were having a special...and i think they are terrible. please don't flame me, just my opinion :)

Originally posted by Useful Idiot
I have a question about Hollenthon. How is their music actually made? Do people play the instruments or is all samples or something? I remember reading somewhere that there was some mastermind behind the whole thing. I'm a little boggled by it...

Yeah, my words exactly. Could someone shed some light on this? As far as I've understood he gets a sample and builds a song around that; is this correct?
Yeah, my words exactly. Could someone shed some light on this? As far as I've understood he gets a sample and builds a song around that; is this correct?

Yeah, that's pretty much how it works. He finds the samples and with some clever editing and programming stitches 'em together, with the riffs working around it all. The third track on the latest album shows a great example of this, utilising Prokofiev's "Romeo and Juliet" score and turning it into a Metal song.

The man is a genius, and I don't say that sort of thing every day..

Lee B
Originally posted by Lee_B
He finds the samples and with some clever editing and programming stitches 'em together, with the riffs working around it all.

Must be bitchy listing all the credits! :heh:
What about copyrights? Does he just pay the wankers for letting him use the sample or are that sort of short samples free to use?
Originally posted by Demonspell
The fact that their music is sample-based doesn't necessarily cause me to lose or gain any respect for them...

Well, no, for me it's quite the opposite. You try making a five minutes long metal song based on a five second clip from something like the "ER" theme music, for instance.
