Holocaust Memorial Day


Orphaned Avi (not drumer)
Sep 18, 2002
This year is the 60th anniversary for the end of WW2 and the Jewish holocaust.

I attended the annual ceramony in my university, and this year a survivor from a Hungarian jewish family came to tell us his story. He was about 14 when the Nazi death machine harvested millions of jews, gypsies and other political prisoners.

I cant find the proper words in order to tell you of what I heard this time (as I heard many of those stories.. from my grandparents and from others), but I can tell you one tiny bit of this person's story: "On the way to the labor camp, near the border with slovakia, at the age of 14 I gave up on this life. I laid my head on the rails and waited for the train (the one who led jews and other prisoners to birkenau, the death camp) to role over and end my misery. Suddenel I heared some prisoners calling people to load the dead on a cart they dragged. I didnt think twice. I sneaked to their path, laid beside their road and soon I was throwned throwed to the cart. I dont remember what happened. I must have fainted of fell asleep and then fainted, I woke up in a sovjet hospitol, the war was over"

some links for anyone who`s interrested: http://www1.yadvashem.org/about_holocaust/home_about_holocaust.html


Never again.
Let's think of all those lifes lost- remember what happened and make sure

Weird thing is that today celebration is all over Holland as we commemorate the liberation of our country 60 years ago. This year is the last year that there will be soldiers coming in from Canada, the US, Scotland, etc. who liberated the dutch people to take part in a military parade. Next year we will not have this any more.

Overhere we have our day of contemplation for all those killed during the war on the 4th of may.
yesterday i've seen on t.v a great documentary film about families from Germany, Holland and Poland, who risked their own lives to save jewish children....
I have to say...this kind of stories touch me very deeply.....I just can't imagine how brave they are......
a lot of great stories came out of this......as I think about the world of our era and religious subjects......gave me an inspiration of writing a synopsis about 3 kids who were saved by those brave christian families......one of them was returned to his own parents after the war and grew to be a rabbi.....the second one lost his parents in the death camps and stayed in his adopting family and became christian....and the third left between and became atheist....
Never again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never... never, never... :( Holocaust is still very alive in people minds in my country... and it hurt...
i went to poland this year from my school on the holocaust trip folklore and rashomon probably know what i mean
kind of a wierd expirience
sure man, my brother did that. its a Holocaust memorial trip. mostly fun in poland but the days where you face the death camps are a sheer stare into the eyes aof hate and death.. a good lesson for life.
I got to say that anti semitism in Poland is still very alive... there is many people who like Jewish history and culture (as I)...but I think that there are more anti semitism. When I say that I don`t to hear anti semitism jokes, because they are`nt funny many people ask me: You are Jewish?? If I hear jokes like that I know that the even bigest friendship is over!! I remeber when I was in death camp - Majdanek... I was the only one person there who was crying and I can`t understand how people can be there and don`t fell those "something"!! I know that there are many trips from Israel to Poland but how young people form Israel can fell something else that angry or sandenss if they found on the walls anti semitism inscriptions... I love my country but sometimes I think that i live on the other planet then other people from my country...
and this is where you, my dear friend, should try to find a way to break those walls of hate down.
you know what ? the tension between jews and arabs here sometimes seems to look like a real racist problem, but, shit, even tho im right wingged in my political views I put my foot down and stop it.
I cant take no racist bullshit. Arabs are equal to jews, we all humans god fuck it.
even if I believe in poplation separation in some parts of israel\ palestine its definitly not because of any racist view I just dont have.
its because I love those two nations and I see that there`s a real problem when the two come in contact with. Weather in northern israel area the - Galil area (arab villages) or in the palestinian area (jewish settlements).
ok f*ck I know my opinions are maybe hard but there`s nothing hateful about it.

thats why im joining an arab-jewish discussion group in my university, although I know this forum is very biased group thats in clrear support of arab extremists inside israel (all sorts of extreme left - or palestinian right) and see israel as non democracit state which is sheer ignorat bulls**t ok?

im not giving up and just know that I have plenty of arab friends in university and outside it.

my weekly speech is over and I love you all, you`re all beautiful charming and intelligent people.
smile for the finale.
All people are equal!!! And it is like that that wars and agresions between nations are "somewhere" but in everyday life the same nations are living together and nothing seems to be wrong!!!
At my University there are many students and lecturer from many parts from the world, the are arabs, africans and asiatics and i have never heard that there are any problems with it and it is the only thing that make me happy at this University!!
Those anti semitism inscriptions are very offen written by very young people... they wouldn`t even know that they see Jewish at the street even those most characteristic one!!
Ehhh... maybe I will finish this thema!! I hope that my country someday will change the way of thinking and people will came to us only because we are nice ;) I should be happy because my friends are 100% normal persons and I`m never shame because of their way of thinking!
Avi.....I have always wanted to say to you that you are the most left winged right winged!

הימני הכי שמאלני שאני מכיר
in hebrew it is easier to understand....i think

by the way.....I don't know.....all this subject is very complicated....
you just can't explore the human mind.....and understand why there is hate in the world......but the hatred is exist.....everywhere.....
in Israel you can find a lot of extremists who hate arabs.....and I see them exactly like the anti-semitists....
and you know what? they are even worse......
cause Israel was built out of racism.....so we have to be the first country to erase racism.....but unfortunately it is quite the opposite....

this is my opinion.....and it is even more complicated....