Holy Crap Aussies! Stay dry!

im literally smack damn centre in the middle of this shitstorm. its been flooding for days on and off, my country town has been converted into an island. so far we have run out of petrol and food, and water (ironically) within the week. not to mention the 34 degree heat with insanely high humidity to top things off. it certainly has made things a bit more interesting

heres a picture i found to show my new island surroundings.

edit: i suck at html at 5am
My thoughts are going out to the people up North. I'm safe where I am.

I have a few relatives from the town that is being talked about in that link in the first post but they're all fine.

They say this shit is going to happen more over the next few years and probably get worse.
Actually suprised there wasn't a thread about this already.

Antiheroinc: where are you at man?

How you going Marshy?

Im luckily in Springfield out near Ipswich. but not close enough to Ipswich to get caught in this terror. Probably one of the safest places and truely don't need to worry here.

This shit is literally ridiculous can't beleive its going to top the 1974 floods. hope any other forum members are safe and dry.

Also hoping clients can make it here tomorrow to begin tracking their cd but I highly doubt it.
This shit is literally ridiculous can't beleive its going to top the 1974 floods.

I was talking about this with my brother earlier when we were watching the news. I'm not sure how bad the 1974 floods were in terms of the whole scale. I think some places that are being affected right now haven't had water up to the 1974 level but there are more people living in these areas now which means the damage is going to be worse.

This whole flood has been happening for weeks and on the news earlier today they even said Melbourne received a flash flood warning and some parts of SA were under threat as well.

Kind of ridiculous how we've been in drought for so long and now we'll likely have floods for a few years now.
I was talking about this with my brother earlier when we were watching the news. I'm not sure how bad the 1974 floods were in terms of the whole scale. I think some places that are being affected right now haven't had water up to the 1974 level but there are more people living in these areas now which means the damage is going to be worse.

This whole flood has been happening for weeks and on the news earlier today they even said Melbourne received a flash flood warning and some parts of SA were under threat as well.

Kind of ridiculous how we've been in drought for so long and now we'll likely have floods for a few years now.

The biggest problem now is Brisbane and Ipswich themselves which had actually steared clear of all this flooding over those last 2 weeks.We were actually safe.

In regards to the 1974 floods. Not only do we have more people here now but back then one of our major dam's The Wivenhoe Dam wasn't built. It's now over capacity and is continually trying to get rid of water so it doesnt burst. If we didnt have the Wivenhoe right now both Ipswich and Brisbane would have already been far more fucked than expected.

so basically we have already suprassed the 1974 floods but the wivenhoe has been able to contain alot of it this time.
Also hoping clients can make it here tomorrow to begin tracking their cd but I highly doubt it.

This has already happened for me. Guitarist who was supposed to track today is stuck in floods. I'm not complaining though, I'm just hoping he's alright. Heaps of people are stuck without the ability to get more food.:erk:
Actually suprised there wasn't a thread about this already.

Antiheroinc: where are you at man?

How you going Marshy?

Im luckily in Springfield out near Ipswich. but not close enough to Ipswich to get caught in this terror. Probably one of the safest places and truely don't need to worry here.

This shit is literally ridiculous can't beleive its going to top the 1974 floods. hope any other forum members are safe and dry.

Also hoping clients can make it here tomorrow to begin tracking their cd but I highly doubt it.

im up in Bundaberg atm, shit is getting crazy up here.
I dont know why, but the first thing I invisaged when clicking this thread was Ermin on a boat intensely paddling down a road with his event opals on the back lol.

Hope no one gets caught up in that on here!
I've been stuck at my girlfriends unit in the Valley for the past 3 days. I have a unit in Toowong, My roomates are stuck in the floods in Rockhampton. Don't know when I can get back. Maybe tomorrow at the earliest if trains are running. Pretty much every road I need to take to my unit is closed from flooding. I'm just hoping because it's 2nd story it will be ok.

Bit hard considering this video was taken in Toowong, note that "The Regatta" is less than 150m from where I live.
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