Holy crap! I totally fucked up!

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I just listed this out-of-production Digitech XP300 Space Station multi effects pedal on Ebay.

It sold for the buy-it-now price in 4 minutes. Considering that it actually doesn't show up as a listing for about 3 minutes, it actually sold in like 30 seconds or so.

I had no idea it was so highly sought after. I should have listed it MUCH higher.

Here's the link if you need proof:

npearce said:
I just listed this out-of-production Digitech XP300 Space Station multi effects pedal on Ebay.

It sold for the buy-it-now price in 4 minutes. Considering that it actually doesn't show up as a listing for about 3 minutes, it actually sold in like 30 seconds or so.

I had no idea it was so highly sought after. I should have listed it MUCH higher.

Here's the link if you need proof:

You're kstatenate? Did you buy an Arcane Sun album off of eBay? Because I'm pretty sure you beat me for it. :erk: :yell: :loco:
Well I don't feel quite as bad about what happened to you then. :p

But seriously, that's gotta be a bitch.
Bite the bullet and just accept your negative feedback when you don't deliver the item. :tickled:

Seriously though, that sucks, but you have just spread a little extra love around the globe, in the form of a kickass eBay deal.
Nathan, I wouldn't mail the item. Just issue the buyer a refund, and say that you wanted to make sure the pedal works before you posted it, but the pedal didn't work or something. You'll probably get negative feedback, but for $220, I think it's worth it.
You can always make a new account under your wife's name, allowing you to relist the item immediately. If not, then I'd wait about a month, two weeks at the least.
Hmmm . . . Erik might be right. I just can't do it. The pedal wasn't worth anything to me when it was just collecting dust. $100 is better than nothing. $300 would have been nice, though. I bet the guy that bought it is going to immediately sell it again on ebay.
I have a Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. I also have 1 gas card, Chevron. I also have a credit card which just deducts a purchase price straight from my bank account.

Not to mention the three credit cards that I cancelled back in December.

This is common in the US.
When you need to buy something that cost more than what you've got available, they come in handy, like furniture or car maintenance.
Credit cards are the key to good credit history in the US. One of the major factors in determining a credit score (which allows you to get loans, and lower interest rates on said loans) is how much money you can borrow versus how much you owe on your credit accounts. For example, I'm around $4,000 in debt, but since my credit limit on the various cards I have adds up to something ridiculous like $35,000, my credit score is extremely high. If I was $900 in debt but only had a total credit limit of $1,200, that would make my credit score lower. Oh yeah, and another catch is that your credit score is lower if you have too many accounts open, so it's not a free ride just by applying for every credit card known to man. That reminds me, I need to pay one off and cancel it right now, which will bring my total down to 6 stinkin' credit cards. :cool:

Yes, that is extremely stupid, but that's how it works over here. :loco:

There are also a number of other factors in credit scores, I'm sure npearce could enlighten further. At least I hope he could, since he works for a bank and all. :D
I'm in the "excellent" category when it comes to credit rating. That's how I was able to get a good home loan. Plus, I pay all my bills on time.
I don't consider my career or credit history important at all. They are just necessary for making my life (and my fiance's life) easier and better.

In the long run, they mean squat.
Dreamlord said:
Nathan, I wouldn't mail the item. Just issue the buyer a refund, and say that you wanted to make sure the pedal works before you posted it, but the pedal didn't work or something. You'll probably get negative feedback, but for $220, I think it's worth it.
That is evil, man. You could very well be the first Satanic Christian I've come across. :loco: