Holy Motherfucking Fuck!!!!!


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
Non-Nevermore Post

<taken from Iced Earth bandboard>

The Glorious Burden
Posted by Jon Schaffer on Thursday, July 31, 2003 at 9:34PM :
Hey People,

Well the album is done, and it's not just done, it rules!! I have never been more pleased in all my years of recording.
It came out the way it was supposed to be!
And now for the big news, it's Tim Owens on vocals and he did an amazing job! I know there were a lot of people hoping that this would be the case, and it is.
I've asked Neil to put a sample of 3 of the songs for you guys to check out. SPV agreed to letting me do this as long as I did not put the whole song up. I hope you enjoy them, I know I do.
I'll be in touch soon with more news and details of the release dates for the single which will be called "The Reckoning" and the full length CD "The Glorious Burden."
I can honestly tell you I've never felt better and am truly looking to the future with more optimism than ever before.

Until next time,

I knew it!! I knew he would choose Ripper!

very good news indeed. But in the recent BWBK, Jon said the only album he was disappointed with was "Burnt Offerings" which was an amazing album.
Its funny, Pyrus and I would say that Ripper should join IE, then Ripper quit because Halford comes back to Judas Priest, then Ripper joins IE.


meh... meh! i say!

boooo for ripper

the only thing with him i've ever liked ...

what a song!!

in the meantime i'll wait for the dept. of homeland security to release their first EP with Matt Barlow
:lol: Yeah, I'm waiting for that also. :lol: Barlow was definitely better, and I can't help but imagine how much more emotion he would have put into the Hollow Man. And now try and imagine Ripper singing A Question of Heaven. Hard to imagine, isn't it?
Chromatose said:
the only thing with him i've ever liked ...

what a song!!


One of the very very few post-halford songs that actually reach the awesomeness of the halford -priest songs.

uhh, yes. \m/


Oh, my opinion of the songs.
Nice fast picking ala Demons and Wizards, with some memories of stormrider. I got a primal fear vibe, nice screaming, killing powa metal!

yeah......should be interesting......
Primal Fear except without Ralf "I don't wanna suck Rob's dick so I'll pretend to be him instead" Scheepers fucking everything up with his wannabe vox...Tim has his own style, and it KILLS. And Jon writes better riffs than, uh, the Priestal Fear guy.

Cathedral Spries = Priest's best song. Bullet Train is pretty badass too...Burn In Hell, Machine Man, Jugulator, Blood Stained, One on One, Hell Is Home, Close To You, Feed On Me, all good-->great. Shame all the rest FUCKING BLOWS.
I disagree about Priest's best song being Cathedral Spires, but yeah Ripper is a hell of a vocalist. One thing though: REAL is fucking gay and I can't listen to those clips; anyone have mp3's of these? I can http host them for others to share as well...

Best Priest song: Beyond The Realms of Death
the website doesnt use realplayer, does it?

and have you heard blind guardians cover of beyond the realms dude?

FUCKING ZOOOOOOOOOM \m/].m\m/\m/m\/m\/m\/m\/m\
shit, it IS real

i didnt know....I use this wierd fangled contraption called mediaone.....low memory usage/takes up nearly no space and plays damn near everything....well, whats important for me anyway.
shitty part....the playlist feature sucks.......but so does winamp's, so, meh