iced earth news


Active Member
Oct 29, 2002
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iced earth now has a new singer and guess who it is!

message from jon schaffer from

Hey People,

Well the album is done, and it's not just done, it rules!! I have never been more pleased in all my years of recording.
It came out the way it was supposed to be!
And now for the big news, it's Tim Owens on vocals and he did an amazing job! I know there were a lot of people hoping that this would be the case, and it is.
I've asked Neil to put a sample of 3 of the songs for you guys to check out. SPV agreed to letting me do this as long as I did not put the whole song up. I hope you enjoy them, I know I do.
I'll be in touch soon with more news and details of the release dates for the single which will be called "The Reckoning" and the full length CD "The Glorious Burden."
I can honestly tell you I've never felt better and am truly looking to the future with more optimism than ever before.

Until next time,



heres the link for the samples. other than the typical jon schaffer riff recycling, they sound rather awesome in my opinion.

(Sigh)...more 80's cheese vocals like Y&T, Whitesnake, etc. If it wasn't for the crap vocals I might actually be able to make it through more than 2 minutes of an Iced Earth song. Shafer is such an awesome musician...too bad his taste in vocals are still utter horse shit IMO.