Tim Owens 10 times the singer Halford was?

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Hey Smart Guy, I said 'roundabout' ....that means not literal. Your tone
and suggestion and phrasing.
Sorry for my blindness. Anyhow, you're just making assumptions that don't have any solid foundation.

You are so spineless you dont even stand up for your webzine!
You've got to be kidding me :rolleyes:

And what the FUCK do you know? I keep asking you to go on the record
and explain things and you cheese on me. I asked for an evaluation and
you gave only 4.
I won't post a description of each singer because I don't care if you believe me or not. If you honestly had a clue about what you're talking about you would understand the descriptions I gave about those singers.

You are the dumbest SOB, I'm NOT ARGUING TECHNIQUE! YOU ARE!
This whole entire thread is because YOU STARTED ARGUING TECHNIQUE.
You can't even follow your own threads. This is what Schaffer said:

"I'm telling you, from a technical standpoint, there is not a better singer in heavy metal today," ICED EARTH mainman Jon Schaffer said about his new bandmate.
Schaffer is talking about TECHNIQUE. You called him a retard because he judged Ripper (in fact, he judged both singers) from a TECHNICAL standpoint and if you call him a retard because of that, you probably know something about TECHNIQUE that Schaffer does not. It has been proven long ago that you're in no position to call Schaffer a retard because you don't know anything about singing technique. I would've guessed that even a kid in elementary school would've understood this.

I started posting here over a year ago and I was gone for a long time
but in all my time posting on the testament board I've never met anyone
like you.
Oh, i'm so sorry that I made your experience in this board so miserable. Talk about the irony. If you weren't such an ass you probably wouldn't have gotten into my sarcastic side.

I'm done.
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pest666 said:
If you've never heard Ripper sing and you're not an Iced Earth fan, then HUSH!! ...........You have proven you have no idea what you're talking about, and you just feel the need to post for the sake of posting your own BS.

this is another case of pointlessness.... lemme guess, you're about 16 too??
I'll have to say this is the point of this whole "coversation"......If you never seen Ripper sing or heard him on his albums, then you don't even qualify to respond to this thread......there is no basis for a valid response, to be credible in this thread.........Your "Disqualified!"................IMO
Deadly Embrace said:
I'll have to say this is the point of this whole "coversation"......If you never seen Ripper sing or heard him on his albums, then you don't even qualify to respond to this thread......there is no basis for a valid response, to be credible in this thread.........Your "Disqualified!"................IMO
This is not even my point Deadly, and this is what i've been trying to say since my first post. If this were my point then I would have no qualms in admitting it. My point is that Officer is in no position to call Schaffer a retard because Schaffer judged Ripper from a technical standpoint, Officer doesn't have the knowledge about singing to discuss the technical aspects of singing; therefore, he's being an intolerant fuck for calling Schaffer a retard. I don't need to hear Ripper's stuff to realize this since it's quite obvious. For example, how am I supposed to give an opinion (from a technical standpoint) about a bass player when I know shit about bass playing?

All I did was give my 2 cents about the subject and these guys flipped out. I admit, though, that I have a problem (sometimes) that the way I post transmits some kind of air of superiority to others from my part; but these guys can't keep a civil discussion all the way through without insulting and making idiotic assumptions about someone, and I honestly feel sorry that this board has so many people like them.
Quote By Ultimate_Symphony:

Schaffer judged Ripper from a technical standpoint, Officer doesn't have the knowledge about singing to discuss the technical aspects of singing; therefore, he's being an intolerant fuck for calling Schaffer a retard. I don't need to hear Ripper's stuff to realize this since it's quite obvious.


From a technical standpoint, can you tell us your background on the aspects of singing?......I'm not judgeing you, I'd like to know & just curious.......I don't think I'm a singer, even though I've sung background Vocals on a couple of albums, but I do think I know about the Technical Aspects of singing by being around so many great volaclists over the years, & talking to them on the subject......In other words I'm not a singer, but do know alot of the Technical Aspects of what it takes, warm-ups, vocal lessions, singing styles, etc.....
I've toured with many great singers, including Halford.......So I think I can give an opinion on this thread, and IMO......Halford is way more a total singer than Owens......in every aspect.....And as a person, & buisness partner, I can truly say that I dislike Schaffer, & know he's just pumping up Iced Earth, not so much Owens, thats the kind of person he is, thats why I think he said that. I think 97% of people think Halford is supperior to The Ripper, I even think The Ripper thinks so.....and he has stated that in an interview I read after his departure from Priest......Also I know for a fact that Rob Halford is the one major influence in Chuck Billy, getting into to singing in the first place, and is his number one favorite vocalist, so Chuck does know about Technical aspects and thats his professional opinion........I think I've made my point, and have backed it up........
You say you can have your opinion because you've toured with Halford and by that you know he's a great guy, etc., but did you have an equal amount of time spent and conversation on vocal technique with Owens as you have with Halford? Of course if you've only dealt with one person in a two person question, you're going to favor the one you know.

And U_S's argument has nothing to do with whether or not he's heard the vocalists. He never said 'you're wrong because you disagree with Schaffer' either. All he said is that someone else is not in a place to judge vocalists on a technical standpoint more than anyone else. He never said that he himself was in that position. This in no way requires him to have listened to the singers to be able to see that someone with no experience in the field has no validity in calling someone who does have experience a retard.
Dodens Grav said:
You say you can have your opinion because you've toured with Halford and by that you know he's a great guy, etc., but did you have an equal amount of time spent and conversation on vocal technique with Owens as you have with Halford? Of course if you've only dealt with one person in a two person question, you're going to favor the one you know.

Hey you little Whinny Bitch.......I never said I thought Halford was a great guy, or that I know him, I've toured with him, seen him sing many, many times on tour with Halford, & with Priest....I've seen Priest open for Zeppelin & seen almost every Judas Priest tour since then......I've seen Ripper sing & talked & drank with him, so what, I'm saying IMO that Halford is superior to him as a singer, I'm so tired of your bitching, at least know & post something thats true, your not even commenting on this thread, but trying to make me look bad and prejudicial, well your wrong, your like a fly on this board......I'll keep swatting you Bitch..............I so tired of you & your Bitching!
Dodens Grav said:
And U_S's argument has nothing to do with whether or not he's heard the vocalists. He never said 'you're wrong because you disagree with Schaffer' either. All he said is that someone else is not in a place to judge vocalists on a technical standpoint more than anyone else. He never said that he himself was in that position. This in no way requires him to have listened to the singers to be able to see that someone with no experience in the field has no validity in calling someone who does have experience a retard.
Finally someone knows what i'm talking about. Btw, did you give me the bad rep on purpose?

From a technical standpoint, can you tell us your background on the aspects of singing?......I'm not judgeing you, I'd like to know & just curious.......I don't think I'm a singer, even though I've sung background Vocals on a couple of albums, but I do think I know about the Technical Aspects of singing by being around so many great volaclists over the years, & talking to them on the subject......In other words I'm not a singer, but do know alot of the Technical Aspects of what it takes, warm-ups, vocal lessions, singing styles, etc.....
I've been singing for almost 5 years. I started just like many metal vocalists. I got interested in singing and I started looking for information on the internet (warm ups, breathing techniques, styles of singing). I also worked with a local orchestra doing keyboards and some vocals. I took some lessons from a music teacher, but nothing too in depth since he's an all around musician (he plays piano, trumpet, guitar, among other instruments). I feel that I still don't know as much as I would like to know, but I hope I can take some time off next year to go to a conservatory.

Some of my major influences:

Russell Allen
Henning Basse
David Readman
Warrel Dane

I can truly say that I dislike Schaffer, & know he's just pumping up Iced Earth, not so much Owens, thats the kind of person he is, thats why I think he said that.
That's a strong possibility. But then again he said he judged him from a ''technical standpoint'', so who knows?
This is just 2 (and possibly 3) little bitches that are just here to stir the pot. All they do is talk in circles and back each other up.... the only people that understand what the other is talking about are the 2 causing the problem (because the ARE causing a problem). It doesn't matter what anyone replies, they either dodge the issue or make it out to be that the other person doesn't know what they're talking about.
pest666 said:
This is just 2 (and possibly 3) little bitches that are just here to stir the pot. All they do is talk in circles and back each other up.... the only people that understand what the other is talking about are the 2 causing the problem (because the ARE causing a problem). It doesn't matter what anyone replies, they either dodge the issue or make it out to be that the other person doesn't know what they're talking about.

That's hitting the nail with the hammer.


the intolerant fuck aka OfficerNice
Deadly Embrace said:
Dodens Grav said:
You say you can have your opinion because you've toured with Halford and by that you know he's a great guy, etc., but did you have an equal amount of time spent and conversation on vocal technique with Owens as you have with Halford? Of course if you've only dealt with one person in a two person question, you're going to favor the one you know.

Hey you little Whinny Bitch.......I never said I thought Halford was a great guy, or that I know him, I've toured with him, seen him sing many, many times on tour with Halford, & with Priest....I've seen Priest open for Zeppelin & seen almost every Judas Priest tour since then......I've seen Ripper sing & talked & drank with him, so what, I'm saying IMO that Halford is superior to him as a singer, I'm so tired of your bitching, at least know & post something thats true, your not even commenting on this thread, but trying to make me look bad and prejudicial, well your wrong, your like a fly on this board......I'll keep swatting you Bitch.........I liked it better, before you were a fly, and were a maggot, now go eat some shit.....I so tired of you & your Bitching!
Woah, calm the fuck down, I was asking you a question, not interrogating you, or even saying you were wrong about anything. I misread what you said where you said:

"I've toured with many great singers, including Halford.......So I think I can give an opinion on this thread, and IMO......Halford is way more a total singer than Owens......in every aspect.....And as a person, & buisness partner, I can truly say that"

I mistakenly saw a period after that, which I later noticed that there wasn't. So based on that, I assumed that you knew him, which isn't the case. I wasn't trying to make you look bad or prejudiced, either, I was continuing the current conversation, that's it. I'm not even bitching, I'm just talking, like everyone else here, so if I'm bitching, every single person in this discussion is bitching with me. It's not just the people on the other side of the fence that 'bitch' and 'whine,' it works both ways.

Maybe if we can get over this petty name-calling (all of you), then we can move on and have some serious discussion. By the way, in my opinion, Halford is a better singer than Ripper. No, I shouldn't say that. Let me rephrase that. I prefer Halford's vocals over Ripper's.

And U_S, unless there was a really long (positive) comment next to it and without a name, than I don't believe that it was me. Then again, that was the first and only time I gave rep, so maybe I just don't know what I'm doing, hah.
Dodens Grav said:
And U_S, unless there was a really long (positive) comment next to it and without a name, than I don't believe that it was me. Then again, that was the first and only time I gave rep, so maybe I just don't know what I'm doing, hah.
Yeah, I have a reputation with a really long comment. I think that's the one you wrote. The other one was probably given by Pest.

Maybe if we can get over this petty name-calling (all of you), then we can move on and have some serious discussion.
I only wish.
omg this is amazing... all he ever said was that OfficerNice PROBABLY knows almost nothing to nothing about technique, which he doesn't seem to, and these two dweebs (officer and pest) never stopped flipping out. He never said anything about his opinion being better, and even funnier, he NEVER even gave his opinion (at least in the original post, I couldn't be expected to read ALL these friggin pointless posts)... hahhaha this is all he said, basically: "If you're not a singer and you don't understand the technical aspects of singing, your opinion is no better than that of Schaffer's", just a quote from his original message that is really the content and heart of it. And it seems almost -noone- understands this... aaaaah, the Testament board, the source of constant amusement to me and my friends.

Btw, pest, you've really raised the bar for ignorance around here significantly. I commend you! Maybe next time when other people trip out it won't be so hard to comprehend, after this episode. I -loved- the part where you said there's two or three troublemakers on the boards and all they do is talk circles and back each other up!!! :tickled: That was a classic. I should start copying and pasting these to show people, there's far too much for my memory alone now. :worship:
I See Many Disputes In His Thread, For Whatever It Is Worth, I Think That The Big Ripper Owens Is Nothing But Nothingness. To Put Him Up Against Halford Is A Joke To Me, I Mean, Even I Sing Better Than This Guy, And I Am A Beginner.
Stun said:
omg this is amazing... all he ever said was that OfficerNice PROBABLY knows almost nothing to nothing about technique, which he doesn't seem to, and these two dweebs (officer and pest) never stopped flipping out. He never said anything about his opinion being better, and even funnier, he NEVER even gave his opinion (at least in the original post, I couldn't be expected to read ALL these friggin pointless posts)... hahhaha this is all he said, basically: "If you're not a singer and you don't understand the technical aspects of singing, your opinion is no better than that of Schaffer's", just a quote from his original message that is really the content and heart of it. And it seems almost -noone- understands this... aaaaah, the Testament board, the source of constant amusement to me and my friends.
I've never listed any vocal training. I've had some in the past.
But what does it matter?

Btw, pest, you've really raised the bar for ignorance around here significantly. I commend you! Maybe next time when other people trip out it won't be so hard to comprehend, after this episode. I -loved- the part where you said there's two or three troublemakers on the boards and all they do is talk circles and back each other up!!! :tickled: That was a classic. I should start copying and pasting these to show people, there's far too much for my memory alone now. :worship:
No he hasn't. I think you along with Ultimate Jackass missed the point.
By The Way, your Proctologist called. You've got a 3pm appointment.
They found your head.

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OfficerNice said:
No he hasn't. I think you along with Ultimate Jackass missed the point.
By The Way, your Proctologist called. You've got a 3pm appointment.
They found your head.

This can't get any more amusing :lol:
Ultimate_Symphony said:
This can't get any more amusing :lol:

Actually with several more beers left and more abuse to inflict,
it could get more amusing.

I'm just waiting for more dipshits and jackasses to show up.
Then it'll be a real party. I'll take out my brains and it'll be even.
There's nothin like alcohol fueled brewtality.


Akumojo Dracula X3And I don't think that anyone can touch Halford in his prime said:
Here we go with the age issue again. Who the fuck cares about your opinion unless it is warranted. Puhleese. Maybe when you hit your prime karma will catch up with you too!
And who the fuck cares about your opinion? Don't bother coming back with the same fucking question aimed toward me, I'm sure you were thinking that too.
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