Tim Owens 10 times the singer Halford was?

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Officer Nice

Oct 7, 2002
Is it just me or is Jon Schaffer a retard?
Is it me or is Jon Schaffer a blatant retard? Tim Owens has an incredible
voice (really indicative on the live version of 'Diamonds and Rust')
but to honestly say that Owens is 10 times the singer Halford ever was,
considering what (I think) Halford did with Fight, and his solo material-
Resurrection, Live Insurrection, and Crucible (Considering Halford is a pack-
a-day smoker and is 50 years old)

My 2 cents,

ICED EARTH Guitarist: 'TIM OWENS Is 10 Times The Singer ROB HALFORD Ever Was' - Dec. 18, 2003
Ex-JUDAS PRIEST singer Tim Owens has told the Cleveland Scene that
Since parting ways with PRIEST, Owens has become a full-time member of the Indiana-based power metal band ICED EARTH.

"I'm telling you, from a technical standpoint, there is not a better singer in heavy metal today," ICED EARTH mainman Jon Schaffer said about his new bandmate. "I have had the pleasure of recording some of the best in the business. I've been producing records for over 10 years, and there was no doubt ever in my mind that he was 10 times the vocalist that Rob Halford was, even in his prime."
Here are my 2 cents:

Are you a singer? (i'm assuming you're not). First I gotta make clear that I haven't listened to Ripper Owens stuff, but there's no point in calling Jon a retard because he voiced his opinion. If you're not a singer and you don't understand the technical aspects of singing, your opinion is no better than that of Schaffer's. You probably like Halford's singing better (and Halford probably impresses you more), but basing your opinion on what singer impresses you more is plain wrong.
ok, then I'll tell you.... Schaffer is a TARD!! Ripper's good, but he's not Halford, and to even suggest that he is better than Halford is his prime is S-T-U-P-I-D.

And if you haven't heard Ripper's stuff, what's the point in commenting? Are you a big Iced Earth fan? Then let me share my opinion of IE with you.... GENERIC and OVERRATED. I cannot for the life of me see why these guys are made out to be as big a deal as they are.
Ultimate_Symphony said:
Here are my 2 cents:

Are you a singer? (i'm assuming you're not). First I gotta make clear that I haven't listened to Ripper Owens stuff, but there's no point in calling Jon a retard because he voiced his opinion. If you're not a singer and you don't understand the technical aspects of singing, your opinion is no better than that of Schaffer's. You probably like Halford's singing better (and Halford probably impresses you more), but basing your opinion on what singer impresses you more is plain wrong.

Thanks for your opinion. Just make sure not to hold your nose up too high
when you talk down on me Mr. Music Guy. No disrespect intended.
I think you're too wrapped up in being Mr. Music and you missed it
but folks like pest666 didn't.

Have a Nice Day :Spin:
~What I think is that while Tim Owens may be good at singing, and Iced Earth deserves some criticism for being somewhat generic,... hiring Tim to "replace" Matt Barlow may be the biggest mistake of Jon Schaffer's career (unless since the release of that 4 song EP he's completely redone the vocals). It's blatantly obvious that Tim Owens doesn't have the range or the versatilty that Barlow had. And I don't think that anyone can touch Halford in his prime, but he's not exactly in his prime anymore. Judas Priest is nearing their 30 year anniversary.
pest666 said:
And if you haven't heard Ripper's stuff, what's the point in commenting? Are you a big Iced Earth fan? Then let me share my opinion of IE with you.... GENERIC and OVERRATED. I cannot for the life of me see why these guys are made out to be as big a deal as they are.
I'm not even an Iced Earth fan, so your comment is irrelevant. If you read my post again you'll see that my comment is 100% valid.

Thanks for your opinion. Just make sure not to hold your nose up too high
when you talk down on me Mr. Music Guy. No disrespect intended.
I think you're too wrapped up in being Mr. Music and you missed it
but folks like pest666 didn't.
I wasn't talking down on you, i'm sorry if the way I worded my post misguided you. I certainly didn't miss your post, but you shouldn't dismiss my comment because you didn't like it. Anyhow, you guys should stop making assumptions and read my comment in an unbiased way and maybe you'll understand what I mean. Some of you are way too wrapped up in your own opinions and when someone disagrees with you, you recur to assumptions that don't have any basis.

Btw, remember that range is not only reaching the high notes, but the low notes as well.

(oh and thanks to whoever gave me that reputation point :wave: )
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Ultimate_Symphony said:
I'm not even an Iced Earth fan, so your comment is irrelevant. If you read my post again you'll see that my comment is 100% valid.

I wasn't talking down on you, i'm sorry if the way I worded my post misguided you. I certainly didn't miss your post, but you shouldn't dismiss my comment because you didn't like it. Anyhow, you guys should stop making assumptions and read my comment in an unbiased way and maybe you'll understand what I mean. Some of you are way too wrapped up in your own opinions and when someone disagrees with you, you recur to assumptions that don't have any basis.

>I dismissed your post because it looked an awful lot like condescention.
I'm not a singer, I don't understand the technical-whatevers but Luciano
Pavrotti does and he's said Rob Halford has one of the best voices in
the world. So if I dont know what I'm talking about since I'm just a
fan and a critic, then what about someone like Luciano? I'd lend credibility
to his statement. He's a professional, he's got longevity and the guy is one
of the biggest names in music. So I guess base my opinion on that too.
I called him a retard cause Ripper while really good hasn't been in the
business nearly as long as Halford, hasn't been the PIONEER Halford WILL
ALWAYS BE, and doesn't have the notches on his belt that Halford has.
Halford has paid his dues, (Has Ripper? You decide, I dont think he has)
and he's proven for the last 30 years he's always going to be one of the
best in the game.

Btw, remember that range is not only reaching the high notes, but the low notes as well.

>And Halford did stuff like that with Fight.

OfficerNice said:
>I dismissed your post because it looked an awful lot like condescention.
I'm not a singer, I don't understand the technical-whatevers but Luciano
Pavrotti does and he's said Rob Halford has one of the best voices in
the world.
That's Luciano's opinion and I respect it, but clearly that does not prove nothing (at least for me). He could have said that Halford has one of the best voices in the world, but he didn't judge him from a technical standpoint. I love Russell Allen's voice and I think he has one of the best voices in metal (and possibly one of the best voices i've ever heard), but do I think he's one of the best singers from a technical standpoint? not at all. Btw, a lot of professional musicians have their idols and sometimes that means their opinions will be biased towards certain musicians. One of the best examples is Michael Romeo; he certainly blows Yngwie Malmsteen out of the water, but when you ask him who is better, he will say Yngwie.

I called him a retard cause Ripper while really good hasn't been in the
business nearly as long as Halford, hasn't been the PIONEER Halford WILL
ALWAYS BE, and doesn't have the notches on his belt that Halford has.
Halford has paid his dues, (Has Ripper? You decide, I dont think he has)
and he's proven for the last 30 years he's always going to be one of the
best in the game.
Is Halford one of the pionneer's in metal? yes, certainly he is; Ripper is not even close in that sense. Schaffer's opinion was not based on who has done the most for metal, he judged both singers from a technical standpoint. Then again, I don't really know how much he knows about singing; but he certainly doesn't deserve to be called a retard for that.
Ultimate_Symphony said:
That's Luciano's opinion and I respect it, but he didn't judge him from a technical standpoint. I love Russell Allen's voice and I think he has one of the best voices in metal (and possibly one of the best voices i've ever heard), but do I think he's one of the best singers from a technical standpoint? not at all. Btw, a lot of professional musicians have their idols and sometimes that means their opinions will be biased towards certain musicians.

1. What is the criteria for your "technical standpoint"
2. According to this criteria, on your "technical standpoint" scale,
who rates 'high' and who rates 'low'???

This, you've obligated yourself to answer.

Is Halford one of the pionneer's in metal? yes, certainly he is; Ripper is not even close in that sense. Schaffer's opinion was not based on who has done the most for metal, he judged both singers from a technical standpoint. Then again, I don't really know how much he knows about singing; but he certainly doesn't deserve to be called a retard for that.
Ok, I was wrong after all...Jon, I'm sorry I called you a retard, it's not
your fault you're delusional. there. all better.

well, there's at least one person on this board who knows fuck all about singing, but seems to think his opinion is important enough that he's willing to turn a blind eye to the fact he doesn't know what he's talking about....

If you've never heard Ripper sing and you're not an Iced Earth fan, then HUSH!! (I edited it as I'm trying to be less abrasive, but I'm sure you can figure out what it originally said genius.....) You have proven you have no idea what you're talking about, and you just feel the need to post for the sake of posting your own BS.

this is another case of pointlessness.... lemme guess, you're about 16 too??
He doesn't have to hear singers to know that someone isn't justified in calling someone else a retard for expressing his opinion. Please take note that Ultimate_Symphony never expressed an opinion as to whether he felt Halford or Ripper was better. He's hasn't proven that he has no idea what he's talking about since he's not voicing an opinion on who he thinks is better.

BTW, U_S, it was me, I forgot to leave my name though.
Dodens Grav said:
He doesn't have to hear singers to know that someone isn't justified in calling someone else a retard for expressing his opinion. Please take note that Ultimate_Symphony never expressed an opinion as to whether he felt Halford or Ripper was better. He's hasn't proven that he has no idea what he's talking about since he's not voicing an opinion on who he thinks is better.

BTW, U_S, it was me, I forgot to leave my name though.
I'll make this easy for you. Officer is not a singer (no disrespect intended), therefore, his opinion regarding technique is no better than that of Schaffer's. It seems to me that Schaffer at least knows something about singing and that would mean that when it comes to judging TECHNIQUE, Schaffer has the upper hand. When it comes to personal preference no one can argue who's better and who's not.

well, there's at least one person on this board who knows fuck all about singing, but seems to think his opinion is important enough that he's willing to turn a blind eye to the fact he doesn't know what he's talking about....

If you've never heard Ripper sing and you're not an Iced Earth fan, then HUSH!! (I edited it as I'm trying to be less abrasive, but I'm sure you can figure out what it originally said genius.....) You have proven you have no idea what you're talking about, and you just feel the need to post for the sake of posting your own BS
I don't know all about singing (no one does, as a matter of fact). Thank you for making YET another idiotic assumption. It just happens that singing is one of my fields, but ask me something about bass and you'll see that I don't have a single clue about bass playing. What i'm saying is that Officer shouldn't call Schaffer a retard for voicing his opinion because he's not a SINGER. Schaffer's opinion is as good as Officer's opinion in this case. Is that clear enough for you?

Oh and btw, follow your own advice hypocrite. You're not a singer, right? well, stop posting bullshit about who is better and who is not if you don't have a single clue about what the fuck you're talking about.

lemme guess, you're about 16 too??
The irony. Anyone who brings the age issue when other person speaks just to get a rise out of him clearly needs to mature a little bit more.

1. What is the criteria for your "technical standpoint"
1.Live Performances (who performs better on stage)
2.Vocal techniques and variety
3.Who makes the less amount of errors and other little nuances

2. According to this criteria, on your "technical standpoint" scale,
who rates 'high' and who rates 'low'???
I fail to see how this is relevant.

Ok, I was wrong after all...Jon, I'm sorry I called you a retard, it's not
your fault you're delusional. there. all better.
I don't need your sarcasm, thanks. You either take my opinion on the matter or leave it. I don't need to prove no one wrong about idiotic things like this one.

I'm beginning to believe what Stun has been saying for quite a while. This board is full of intolerant dicks.
are the two of you going to go around touching each other's butts yelling "Wonder Tards Power Active" now?

The irony..... is that you didn't respond (prolly because in all likelihood you are), and instead choose to dodge the issue and throw out the "maturity" card. are you sure you and Dorkus Gravy aren't related? I liked the "I fail to see how this is relevant" dodge too.... amazing how you wanna nitpick and have people explain things to you, and you make up an excuse.

and yes, I know quite a bit about singing.

the bottom line is there was no point in you commenting at all when you don't know anyting about Ripper Owens or Iced Earth.

Maybe you 2 wonder dorks can get together and cry your poor little hearts out over AIM about how this board of intolerant dicks has been mean to the 2 of you and how stupid we must be because we don't understand what you 2 clueless goofs are going on about.
1.Live Performances (who performs better on stage)
2.Vocal techniques and variety
3.Who makes the less amount of errors and other little nuances

Thanks for posting your criteria. But you cheesed out on the
second question. I asked you, according to your criteria who's high
on the list and low on the list according to your technical whatever
since you seem to know so much, show us what you got badass
but you chickenshitted out of it. Answer the question.
You're the elitist who's spouting all this junk that I'm some kind of
ingnoramous because I'm not a singer and I wouldnt recognize vocal
range since I'm not a trained singer and all those years of Judas Priest,
Fight and Halford concerts wouldnt serve me as a basis since I'm not
a singer. So since you know everything,
stand up and have some balls and answer the question.

I'm beginning to believe what Stun has been saying for quite a while. This board is full of intolerant dicks.[/QUOTE]


OfficerNice said:
Thanks for posting your criteria. But you cheesed out on the
second question. I asked you, according to your criteria who's high
on the list and low on the list according to your technical whatever
since you seem to know so much, show us what you got badass
but you chickenshitted out of it. Answer the question.
You're the elitist who's spouting all this junk that I'm some kind of
ingnoramous because I'm not a singer and I wouldnt recognize vocal
range since I'm not a trained singer and all those years of Judas Priest,
Fight and Halford concerts wouldnt serve me as a basis since I'm not
a singer. So since you know everything,
stand up and have some balls and answer the question.

I'm beginning to believe what Stun has been saying for quite a while. This board is full of intolerant dicks.
I didn't fully comprehend the question, hence I didn't respond. Who are you referring to in that question? do you want me to give you a list of singers? Either way, I still fail to see how this is relevant to the argument. What i'm thinking is that you're somewhat trying to figure out if i'm a singer or not, if that's the case and you're REALLY interested in knowing check out the musicians forum.

You're the elitist who's spouting all this junk that I'm some kind of
ingnoramous because I'm not a singer and I wouldnt recognize vocal
range since I'm not a trained singer and all those years of Judas Priest,
You are still on the defensive and it seems that you think i'm trying to prove you wrong on something. Nowhere in my posts I said that you aren't able to gecognize vocal range, anyone can recognize vocal range. What i'm saying is that if you're not a singer, you can't judge a singer when it comes to techniques. I can't even believe that you're still trying to argue that.

Thank you for the insult. You're proving my point even further that most of the people on this board can't maintain a civil conversation without flipping out.

the bottom line is there was no point in you commenting at all when you don't know anyting about Ripper Owens or Iced Earth.
You have your head too stuck in your ass and you fail to see where i'm coming from. I can comment whatever the fuck I want because i'm not judging either of them (refer to the posts I made before).

and instead choose to dodge the issue and throw out the "maturity" card.
You were the first one that brought up the age issue. You again fail to see your own hypocrisy.
pest666 said:
is poor baby throwing a fit? what's wrong you don't like someone else dishing you shit??
You are hardly dishing any shit. At least if you were good at it; childish behavior hardly qualifies as ''dishing shit''.
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