Holy s**t! Check this song/video out! Awesome

PatrickHoyt: Oh, that's OK! I'm the most ruthless critic of myself anyway:)
Glad you liked the tune, thanks.
Currently, we're working hard on our upcoming album. Hope we'll make it all work (both album and the video)
Very listenable and enjoyable

And now for some reason I want to listen to a bunch of PM; the vocals remind me of Nils a bit. Fun stuff.
Thanks once again, gentlemen:) It's pleasant that Pagans Mind was recalled in this topic. I love this band.

Oh, and while we're still discussing things about the video - could anyone give me any sort of advice regarding the correct promotion of our material in Europe or USA? It might sound a bit funny, but I have got no clue if keeping myspace, youtube, tweeter and so on is enough. I mean I'm sure it's NOT enough and I know that there must be a special person, running these affairs - but my project is less then one year old and I'm on my own for the moment - not for long, I believe.
Good stuff man, thanks for the post! Nice vocals. Liked the high pitched almost King Diamond backing vocal layer at one point. Sprinkling a little of that through a song mixes it up a bit, gives it more color if I'm saying that right. Also reminds me of Nils.
Thumbs up if you paused it at 3:31.

Ya, nice panties :Saint:

eppst1: Thanks a lot for your interest!

Currently, we have our full-length album released in Japan (and I hope we'll release it in Europe and USA, but we're still about to find the proper labels) and Ukraine.

Japanese edition can be officially purchased on e-bay here:


As for Ukrainian edition - unfortunately, our country does not even accept PayPal payments, so it's really close to impossible to organize an effective shopping system from here. I hope we'll succeed with more labels to make it possible for everyone to order a CD easily and safely.

Our second video that you've mentioned is our second official videoclip and our first official live video at the same time. It is 100% live, no overdubs, 17 tracks taken from the mixing console and mixed at my studio. Saying it because lots of people confuse it with the studio version of the song. I personally enjoyed the live version so much, that now I'm thinking seriously about the live album :grin:

Here's the direct youtube link:

Cheers everyone!
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I like the song too, pretty catchy....

...and not to open a can of worms but this makes me wonder just how complicated the logistics are generally speaking of being able to bring a band over from Russia. I have heard, although I have absolutely no first-hand experience as I've never been over there, that the visa requirements both to and from are quite involved and complicated. And expensive, I'm sure. Over the past couple or three years or so I've stumbled upon some pretty good Russian bands via the internet (YouTube, MySpace, etc.) and it has occurred to me that I don't recall (but that doesn't mean that there haven't been any) hearing about a Russian band touring in the USA. I suspect there have been some very limited engagements, perhaps at a festival like SXSW in Austin, Texas for example, but a tour? No idea....

Please forgive my wandering off on a tangent.....