Holy s**t! Check this song/video out! Awesome

I like the song too, pretty catchy....

...and not to open a can of worms but this makes me wonder just how complicated the logistics are generally speaking of being able to bring a band over from Russia. I have heard, although I have absolutely no first-hand experience as I've never been over there, that the visa requirements both to and from are quite involved and complicated. And expensive, I'm sure. Over the past couple or three years or so I've stumbled upon some pretty good Russian bands via the internet (YouTube, MySpace, etc.) and it has occurred to me that I don't recall (but that doesn't mean that there haven't been any) hearing about a Russian band touring in the USA. I suspect there have been some very limited engagements, perhaps at a festival like SXSW in Austin, Texas for example, but a tour? No idea....

Please forgive my wandering off on a tangent.....

Well there's a folk metal band from Russia called Arkona and a screamo/Risecore band from the Ukraine called Make Me Famous and both of them have toured the US, so it's definitely possible to do it. However, it is most likely harder for bands to get visas from Russia due to most Eastern European countries being low on the "visa ranking list." Poland, back when it was communist in the 90's used to be pretty low on the list as well and bands like Vader could barely get outside their own country. Now it's not as hard for a Polish band to get in here.

But another problem is CD sales. CD sales in Russia are literally nonexistent (and when I say literally, I mean LITERALLY. As in, most metal bands are lucky to sell even one record in Russia due to extreme piracy. "Big" Russian labels who license releases from other acts/labels are lucky to sell a couple hundred records) , so labels have a harder time justifying signing a Russian band, in which they basically have to double their investment to break the band in other countries.
I just recently found this Morton album (Come Read the Words Forbidden) on eMusic. Finally got around to listening to it on the big audio rig (after listening to it several times at work on my little rig and in the car), and I have to say that this album is really awesome! Oh yeah, I also would love to see these guys at ProgPower myself.