home edition covers!


vic firth 2b
Apr 24, 2008
so yesterday in the afternoon before the big prom :)OMG:!) i had some time to burn so i decided to do something really retarded and take my own versions for some album covers i had in mind
problem is the pictures are really small =(

plain and simple

dead bird my bro took a picture of while he was out lead to this:

for troo brewtal fans:

last fair deal gone down.. definitely not the best

my avatar

december souls - notice my dog replacing the baby

i wish the pics werent that small though
You got some quality stuff here. Good job!
I'd like to see your take on The Roundhouse Tapes.
That has some LOL potential.
thx cheech :p

You got some quality stuff here. Good job!
I'd like to see your take on The Roundhouse Tapes.
That has some LOL potential.

im not sure how to do that it might suck if there was an actual face in my "cover"