The guitar tone (both the high gain and the semi clean tone) was mainly created by my two beloved friends: the Schecter C-7 Jeff Loomis and the Peavey 5150, Mk I, (set to "12 o'clock" apart from resonance that is set to 10) with a 4x12 Marshall MF400 cab. The high gain tone was dry whereas the semi clean tone had some added chorus and delay. For the "sweeps & shreds" I actually used Amplitube 3 (emulating the same gear that I otherwise use) - sacrilege I know, but the other persons of my households were asleep… The live guitar (all parts except for the solo) was recorded into Logic Express 9 with a Sure SM58 (the grill really close, just off centre from the speaker cone) through an PreSonus Audiobox. In Logic I use a high pass filter for the guitars - a rather gentle slope starting somewhere between 150-200 Hz. Their EQs have a slight scoop around 500-600 Hz (but just slight, -1db I think, I don't want to loose the angry mids) and elevated highs, around 3-5kHz, with some +2-3 db. Most guitar parts are quadded, some doubled.
Drums are just EZ Drummer, Drumkit from hell, with your regular tinkering with reverbs and levels.
Thanks for the input - will definitely try some "swell"…!