hope i dont get banned for this...


Juke Box Hero
Sep 18, 2006

i feel stupid now for posting this thread due to the fact i didnt even do much researching i just took some friends' word on the film.

i researched a little bit and found out quite a bit of the film is false, how ever it contains some information that gets you to thinking. i apologize to everyone who i offended.

but here you can watch it anyways

I don't see why you'd get banned.

I generally take conspiracy stuff like this with a grain of salt... and there's a lot of "hearsay" in this movie... however, there's also a lot of pretty specific evidence in here that, if it's true, is pretty damning.

Then again, for years, I've been hearing that the Kennedys were the "Illuminati"... then, the Clintons... now, it's the Bushes and the Rockefellers... who's next?
I'm sorry. I watched about 10 minuites of that movie and i'm ALREADY calling bullshit. Believing anything this movie seems to say requires just as much faith as believing in religion.

It seems people are eager to believe something... and the source never seems to matter. "OMG I BELIEVE IN GOD CAUSE A BOOK TOLD ME TO"


it's all the same.
People are trying very hard to prove that there is no "god" (of any sort or any religion). I've yet to see anybody try to disprove that there is no god.

Since the age of mankind, people have been trying to figure out why we're here. Until they come up with some scientific reason, I believe there is some "force" that we don't know or understand that created the universe. Until that is explained, any reasonable theory is true until otherwise disproved false.

I just can't fathom that the universe is all random and we just happened to come along. It had to start somewhere, somehow. I don't think anyone has proven where or how or most importantly - why.

Even if all relgion as we know it is "fake" - try proving something else otherwise.

Just my 2 1/2 cents.
Everyone needs something to believe in.... And right now.... I believe I need another beer.... :kickass:
I believe in metal! :headbang:

I do also believe that there is something more powerful than the rest of us. Yes, there are somethings we can control and something we can't control, but the world, the universe, didn't just come into being randomly. I tend to think about anything in this world that is manufactured (computers, watches, cars, etc.). Those things didn't just appear or come into being randomly. They were designed and created. I believe it is the same with people and all living things. After all, aren't we with all our moving parts and functioning organs, much more complex than a car, or a stereo, or a watch? And the fact that we fit into this world in a way that enables us to continue and sustain life ... I just have to believe that there is something more ... even if one specific religion doesn't have all the answers.
I'm fully cognizant that there's plenty the gubment hasn't told us about 9/11, but I am not particularly inclined to swallow conspiracy theories from either side of the coin. Zeitgeist contains a lot of propaganda to stir up emotional involvement and evidence handpicked to fit the conclusion, and should be taken with a *wheelbarrow* full of salt.
after being told by some people that everything in the video was true (friends), i still did some research to see otherwise.

turns out a large large portion of the first part especially, is either false, or not proven.

i feel like a complete idiot now for even posting this thread, and take back everything i said

guess at least i learned a free lesson out of it

i apologize for everything i posted, sorry if i offended anyone
No offense taken ... people everywhere are always coming up with new theories like this ... it's all part of what we are all doing in life ... looking for answers. Just know that there's a little bit of truth in every story, but also a little bit of someone's bias.
No offense taken ... people everywhere are always coming up with new theories like this ... it's all part of what we are all doing in life ... looking for answers. Just know that there's a little bit of truth in every story, but also a little bit of someone's bias.

Wow! Word for word what I was going to say.

I wish everyone the best in their search for truth! It's a fun path with many opportunities to learn and be challenged! There is no need to 'destroy' ANY religion or belief system, because everyone is on a quest and has found an amount of truth in the path they've engaged upon. Props to anyone who is seeking answers and higher knowledge! May The Force be with you! :lol: :headbang:
Wow! Word for word what I was going to say.

I wish everyone the best in their search for truth! It's a fun path with many opportunities to learn and be challenged! There is no need to 'destroy' ANY religion or belief system, because everyone is on a quest and has found an amount of truth in the path they've engaged upon. Props to anyone who is seeking answers and higher knowledge! May The Force be with you! :lol: :headbang:

thanks for being cool about it to both of you above me!

i never meant to 'destroy' any religion, i dont ever want to be the guy to take someones faith away without any proof. i just thought i found cold hard proof, but was mislead, and didnt do my research like i should have! however, if there is proof that a religion is false, regardless what religion it may be, if its cold hard proof and i came across it, i would like to show it to members of the religion that way they know what they are believing in. its not about JESUS ISNT REAL or what not, i never meant to attack christianity stupidly like many do; just thought i had something people should see ya know?

i thought this film was an eye opener and gave some damn good evidence towards religion, conspiracy and what not, and it does deliver... on whats true. its funny cause the film tells you not to believe everything you hear, and thats exactly what i did from the film. dont get me wrong, this has alot of truthful and evidence backed material in it for sure, and i think it should be something to be watched to get you at least thinking. im just definitely not out to just try to make people disbelieve in religion just cause i dont, im definitely not that kind of guy, and i just hope who ever read this thread hasn't got the wrong perception of me.
thanks for being cool about it to both of you above me!

i never meant to 'destroy' any religion, i dont ever want to be the guy to take someones faith away without any proof. i just thought i found cold hard proof, but was mislead, and didnt do my research like i should have! however, if there is proof that a religion is false, regardless what religion it may be, if its cold hard proof and i came across it, i would like to show it to members of the religion that way they know what they are believing in. its not about JESUS ISNT REAL or what not, i never meant to attack christianity stupidly like many do; just thought i had something people should see ya know?

i thought this film was an eye opener and gave some damn good evidence towards religion, conspiracy and what not, and it does deliver... on whats true. its funny cause the film tells you not to believe everything you hear, and thats exactly what i did from the film. dont get me wrong, this has alot of truthful and evidence backed material in it for sure, and i think it should be something to be watched to get you at least thinking. im just definitely not out to just try to make people disbelieve in religion just cause i dont, im definitely not that kind of guy, and i just hope who ever read this thread hasn't got the wrong perception of me.

Totally understood, dude! :cool: I read your original first post, and it could have been misleading had I not already been used to hearing things like that, but since you have edited it (and have been more than cool to admit what you feel was a mistake) I doubt anyone could have a poor impression of you at this point :) This whole situation is an ironic parallel to the very topic. You believed with all your heart that you found an answer and wanted to share it with everyone so they could know too, and they you found out you were misinformed ("wrong" is just too strong to use here because you didn't know), but that doesn't change that you did the best you could with the knowledge you had at the time... which is exactly what everyone on the planet is doing in regards to beliefs and faith. I think RUSH said it best, "If you choose not to decide, you stlll have made a choice." :cool:

Oh, and I only used the word "destroy" because I thought I remembered you using at some point in the original post about not wanting to come across that way. My comment bringing it up was more of an addendum to the thought that many people *are* out to destroy religions instead of building up their own beliefs. Negative instead of Positive. Just to be clear, for the record. Clear as mud, right? :cool:

And thanks for apologizing, though not needed for myself, as it takes a lot of guts to do that with such a sensitive topic. Besides, it's been kinda fun to talk about these things and learn the ideas and beliefs of other friends in our little family. :headbang:
Actually I don't think it's a bad thread, especially if one takes the movie with a *wheelbarrow* of salt. If noting else it stirs debate, which I just can’t resist. Your initial reaction was exactly what the producers hope to elicit from viewers. You may want to direct some disgruntlement their way. However there are some huge glaring ambiguities in this thing which require as big a leap of faith as any religion.

I don't practice any formal religion, but I have taken courses in Religious Education and Philosophy of Religion covering Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism. I can assure that much of the "characteristics" of most of the deities in the first part were either inaccurate, exaggerations, and in some cases absolutely false.

The film gets a lot of credibility as it mixes in some truths with much misinformation. It baits the watcher by providing a few well known facts, then adds in its own brand of obscure "facts" a lot of people assume are as accurate as the well known truths. They rely on the hope that most people won't bother to vet their sources. It is true that Christmas is celebrated at the solstice, which is an assimilation of a pagan custom revolving around Horus. However, Christianity has assimilated much from pagan religions. For example the Christmas tree is also an assimilation of a pagan Germanic religion of which the particulars escape me at the moment. Nevertheless, many of those gods were born of goddesses, trees and other oddities... not virgins. Nor did any of them that I know of have 12 disciples, and I don't know of any that were crucified.

Giving them all the same attributes as Christ diminishes him to the status of one in a long line of carbon copy deities. This in turn questions his existence at all. The absence of Christ in non-biblical historical archives is constantly debated, not "long ago proven false." The existence of Christ may be debated by scholars, and people may decide for themselves, but this movie's flawed logic certainly doesn't disprove it.

The second part would have you believe that conspirators prepared both towers and building 7 at the WTC with hundreds of pounds of thermite. Then they would have you believe they ran miles of either detcord or wiring to the explosives. All of this was done without anyone noticing anything strange until it was all detonated on 9/11/01. Keep in mind that the WTC housed many types of businesses and offices that kept hundreds of trained security personnel on the site. Consulates, diamond importers, banks, brokerages, and security companies to name but a few kept offices there, not to mention the WTC security staff itself. How likely is it that the WTC was wired for demolition in secret, a huge undertaking if done non-covertly, without one pair of trained eyes noticing anything out of the ordinary?

Best yet is part three, which would have one believe that all of this was done so the Bushs and Rockefellers CAN RULE THE WORLD!!!! Yes Pinky! The world shall be ours!!!
I think RUSH said it best, "If you choose not to decide, you stlll have made a choice." :cool:

We've got Mars on the horizon
Says the National Midnight Star
It's true!

People are trying very hard to prove that there is no "god" (of any sort or any religion). I've yet to see anybody try to disprove that there is no god.

Since the age of mankind, people have been trying to figure out why we're here. Until they come up with some scientific reason, I believe there is some "force" that we don't know or understand that created the universe. Until that is explained, any reasonable theory is true until otherwise disproved false.

I just can't fathom that the universe is all random and we just happened to come along. It had to start somewhere, somehow. I don't think anyone has proven where

In the direction of Sagittarius....based on the level of intensity of the leftover background radiation from the Big Bang....

...or how...

The Big Bang. There are few, if any, competent cosmologists who don't think so, nowadays....

or most importantly - why.

Just......Because! :lol:

Even if all relgion as we know it is "fake" - try proving something else otherwise.

Just my 2 1/2 cents.

And of course, that's basically what science (specifically, cosmology) is trying to do. We don't have all the answers...we might never have them.

And we may never definitively know WHY. That's the province of yer working philosophers, thinkers, theologians an' other miscellaneous educated persons. :heh:

I'm sorry. I watched about 10 minuites of that movie and i'm ALREADY calling bullshit. Believing anything this movie seems to say requires just as much faith as believing in religion.

"Do you believe in the Bible?"
"Believe in 'em? Hell, buddy, I've even SEEN one!" :lol:
The film gets a lot of credibility as it mixes in some truths with much misinformation. It baits the watcher by providing a few well known facts, then adds in its own brand of obscure "facts" a lot of people assume are as accurate as the well known truths. They rely on the hope that most people won't bother to get their sources.


For those needing a non-religious example of this strategy for manipulating an audience, one need look no further than Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, and Interview with an Ex Vampire. Or just turn on your evening news. :Smug:
The universe was created during the Big Bang. The Big Bang occured when almost 200 times of what now exists erupted from something about the size of a marble. What erupted was almost 50% Matter, and 50% Anti-matter. As these particles collided they cancelled out each other's existence. Fortunately there were about 101 particles of matter to every 100 particles of anti-matter. That surviving 1% of matter is what became the universe.
Yay for matter.
Yay for science that has figured all this out.

My question is....
Who made the marble?

For those needing a non-religious example of this strategy for manipulating an audience, one need look no further than Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, and Interview with an Ex Vampire. Or just turn on your evening news. :Smug:

BTW thanks for attempting to cover for me, but the word is "VET" their sources, not "GET." ;)
From Wiki:
To vet was originally a horse-racing term, referring to the requirement that a horse be checked for health and soundness by a veterinarian before being allowed to race. Thus, it has taken the general meaning "to check":

For those needing a non-religious example of this strategy for manipulating an audience, one need look no further than Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, and Interview with an Ex Vampire. Or just turn on your evening news. :Smug:

Of course anytime someone is pushing an agenda, you've gotta be cautious about what you believe to be fact. However, regardless of how extreme some of Michael Moore's opinions/perspectives are, his films do get people talking about many issues, which hopefully leads to more people asking questions and seeking out the truth for themselves.