hopefully this is the right forum


Warrior of Black Metal
Sep 20, 2003
New Hampshire
i posted this in another forum and was told it was the wrong forum and the band discussion forum is more appropriate for this question

If you're in a band i was curious...what type of music do you play? also what are your influences?

Me and some bands are working on our band. Our music is all around metal, some songs are really violent, some songs are more melodic and give an old metallica ballad feel(like nothing else matters).

our influences include: Mudvayne, Nile, Cannibal Corpse, Cradle of Filth, Metallica, Slayer, Testament, Tool, Slipknot, Deftones, Opeth, and more.

tell us who influences(or influenced) your band?

PS: don't kill me for some of my influences
nice... my band is just me on guitar, bass guitar, and acoustic guitar (dubbing on my home recording system). I play mainly dark-influenced guitar melodies. It sounds like In Flames's sharp all-acoustic songs mixed in with some classical guitar influences like Andres Segovia, and then mixed in with dark iconography to give the listener a certain scenery surrounding the song. I am a big fan of guitar harmonies, so there is plenty of good thirds and a couple fifths thrown in there like In Flames tends to do. I only have one all-distortioned metal song called Embrace the Dark. When I listen to it recorded, it actually sounds like a mix between Arch Enemy and Children of Bodom.
well in the music i'm doing right now( orchestral dark ambient music) my main influences are stuff like bjork,some peter gabriel(the darker stuff, not the radio hits), modern composers like ligeti, stravinski, some ambient like delerium and some moviescores mainly danny elfman stuff.