

Feb 9, 2004
January----here's the Capricorn horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

This week you ride for free. With a full understanding of your physical environment, you know how to maneuver and where to find things. Anyone that thinks you're mistaken is operating under a different program.

Febuary----Here's the Aquarius horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

There's a slight detour on your way to that sure thing. Profit from delay by using the extra time to get organized. You want to be well rested when that special moment finally happens.

March----Here's the Pisces horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

Easy access makes you soft. Your daily schedule needs to be more challenging. Someone may be considering you for a leadership position -- if you show them that you have what it takes.

April----Here's the Aries horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

There's not much you can do to prevent things from happening. Just hope that there are no witnesses and that repairs will go smoothly. Be timely and honest with law enforcement and insurance officials.

May----Here's the Taurus horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

Practical concerns replace wild fancies. You feel mature, self-regulating and forgiving. You're pleased to hear that your own explanations carry the ring of authority

June----Here's the Gemini horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

Others see you as too neutral for your own good. You didn't mean to spoil the party -- it's just that your mind is elsewhere. Spend this time alone until you feel more social again.

July----Here's the Leo horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

Your enthusiasm leads you in circles. People that have already heard this story stop you from telling it again. If you can't come up with new material, find a new audience that will appreciate the old stuff.

August----Here's the Cancer horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

Sensitive people deal strongly and directly with a delicate matter. You're on the edge of what you can stand, but you feel like pushing a little further. Maybe a more durable phase is beginning.

September----Here's the Libra horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

Slow starters are quick to blame others. If you moved your feet more often, they wouldn't get stuck in the mud like this. Lower your sights to lighten the burden that you place on yourself.

October----here's the Scorpio horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

November----The master plan has changed since last week. Check your old measurements against the current specs before proceeding. Even when everything is connected, individual thinking is still recommended.

Here's the Scorpio horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

The master plan has changed since last week. Check your old measurements against the current specs before proceeding. Even when everything is connected, individual thinking is still recommended.

December----Here's the Sagittarius horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

You see reminders of your budget wherever you turn. How good can money be when the lack of it prevents you from having fun? You'll find a way to fix this, although it may not be immediately.
:OMG: :Spam:
Horoscopes rule.... but the question is which one are you i will try to update them each day but if i dont, dont get angry
January----Here's the Capricorn horoscope for Tuesday, February 17th, provided by Astrology.com:

Your great works are built to last. Your reputation stands clean and proud among the shifting sands of history. Continue along this unbroken line. Why mess with a winning combination?

Febuary---- Here's the Aquarius horoscope for Tuesday, February 17th, provided by Astrology.com:

You'll believe anything if the messenger is persuasive enough. Think for yourself or get used to being the puppet of another person's agenda. The less visible you are, the greater your chance of personal progress.

March----Here's the Pisces horoscope for Tuesday, February 17th, provided by Astrology.com:

There are practical ways to use your energy. Doing a favor is an investment in your
own success. Sooner or later, you'll reap the harvest of someone else's appreciation.

April----Here's the Aries horoscope for Tuesday, February 17th, provided by Astrology.com:

Refusal is final. Closure is absolute. Now that you know, the torture of wondering is over. Console yourself in healthy ways and move on from this place.

May----Here's the Taurus horoscope for Tuesday, February 17th, provided by Astrology.com:

Travel to achieve your goal. Amusing as the trip may be, it won't distract you from knowing exactly what you must do once your feet hit the ground. From a distance, you see your regular life in perspective.

JUne----Here's the Gemini horoscope for Tuesday, February 17th, provided by Astrology.com:

Argument is futile between people that know each other too well. Unless you want to run this thing in circles all night, bring in a third party to mediate. Someone has to ask
the right questions.

July----Here's the Cancer horoscope for Tuesday, February 17th, provided by Astrology.com:

Disenchanted clients fire their attorneys and try representing themselves. Once you embark on this adventure, there's no turning back. Why is it so surprising when you pass a test of strength?

August----Here's the Leo horoscope for Tuesday, February 17th, provided by Astrology.com:

Others have served you, and now it's your turn to pass along the favor. Limit your conversational role to active listener. Offer to pay for your date in the most polite, supportive way that you can.

September---- Here's the Virgo horoscope for Tuesday, February 17th, provided by Astrology.com:

If you take care of yourself, you'll move harmoniously through the world. Good balance is a vital part of the equation for high speed. Mental arithmetic is accurate when you come back to recalculate your work.

October----Here's the Libra horoscope for Tuesday, February 17th, provided by Astrology.com:

There's more to life than knowing when to smile. You're the only one that can do your own work. Being a normal person shouldn't be this much of a challenge.

November----Here's the Scorpio horoscope for Tuesday, February 17th, provided by Astrology.com:

Team members stand united against a common adversary. You gain more by sharing than by hoarding. Build a legacy of trust that you will one day be able to take to the bank.

December----Here's the Sagittarius horoscope for Tuesday, February 17th, provided by Astrology.com:

It's better to say less about what you're thinking. You'd rather discuss done deals than sound like a dreamer. Your worries are probably groundless. Already your ideas show signs of being on the fast track.
darkRaven2407 said:
April----Here's the Aries horoscope for Monday, February 16th, provided by Astrology.com:

There's not much you can do to prevent things from happening. Just hope that there are no witnesses and that repairs will go smoothly. Be timely and honest with law enforcement and insurance officials.
horoscopes can be so dumb, Weird Al made a great song on "running with scissors" --Thats Your Horoscope For Today-- great song :hotjump:
Febuary 18, Aquarius----You're curious about life and fearless in the face of the unknown. To experience you is to have some idea of how legends begin. Go your own way and leave others guessing.

Febuary 18, Pisces----Pleasant chaos reigns. You may not be doing much, but you feel as if you're accomplishing many things. Reality is suspended until further notice, and that's how Pisces likes it.

Febuary 18, Aries----Although you're good at improvising, it helps to know where you want to end up. The future is an attractive place, giving you plenty of motivation. Assemble the right tools for all occasions.

Febuary 18, Taurus----The right lesson is twisted uncomfortably in the wrong hands. Separate the useful information from the personal attack. Your career could profit from this upheaval, if you remain strong.

Febuary 18, Gemini----The truth has many sides. Choose your words carefully, and your concealment will be forgiven if it's ever detected. Large divides must be bridged efficiently in a small world.

Febuary 18, Cancer----Losing is the flip side of winning, and this time it's your turn. If you feel powerless, maybe it's because others are taking such good care of you. Your individuality will have its day, but not right now.

Febuary 18, Leo----Others count on you to be the steady, guiding hand. Great responsibility is almost too easy to abuse. Put in a reasonable amount of hard work before stopping to enjoy the perks of your position.

Febuary 18, Virgo----The perfect moment is already past. Don't let an antiquated system weigh you down. Your project needs an infusion of new blood and a breath of fresh air.

Febuary 18, Libra----Maybe you haven't noticed, but Valentine's Day has passed. Love is here to stay, even if it makes you look a little foolish. Friends will cover for you if you slip while staring too long at the bright side.

Febuary 18, Scorpio----Exuberance crashes into frustration. Your high hopes have cranked up your energy to an unbearable level. Other than people messing up certain deliveries, nothing at all is wrong.

Febuary 18, Sagittarius----Give others what they appear to need. They don't know you, but they trust you. With your best side on display, those 15 minutes of fame might stretch out for the next few days -- or even longer.

Febuary 18, Capricorn----Certain formalities are a part of your tradition. When someone talks about the next big thing, compare it to the last spectacular failure. A system of checks and balances keeps everyone honest.

January 19 Horoscopes
January 20-February 18 Aquarius----
You're stunningly honest in business and personal affairs. The mood is contagious as normally buttoned-down people open up. Listen to the thanks and laugh off the curses

February 19-March 20 Pisces----
Throw caution to the wind. You feel the mysterious lure of a big uncertainty factor. Once you come out the other side of this, events may be rearranged in a way that you'll like even better

March 21- April 19 Aries----
The group gives gentle support when your resolve wavers. Be happy that they're here for you instead of ashamed by what could be a show of weakness. If everyone was a superhero, life would be boring.

April 20- May 20 Taurus----
Somebody else is on a power trip or playing a joke. Your only fault in this business could be bad timing. No matter what else you lose, they'll never take away your pride.

May 21- June 21 Gemini----
Continue on your program of entertainment and education. You have much to offer and even more to learn. Friends know that a difference of opinion will never drive a wedge between them.

June 22- July 22 Cancer----
The subject stays changed no matter how many times you try to change it back. Passive people are pressed into service whether or not they live to serve. Keep a painful issue at an intellectual distance.

July 23- August 22 Leo----
Whatever you decide, somebody is going to complain. With this in mind, you have the choice of being fair or selfish. Listen to your conscience and your heart to discover which has a louder voice.

August 23- September 22 Virgo----
Disruption can be a good thing. You get some of your best ideas from outside sources. Unconventional grammar and foreign accents shed a strange light on something that you thought you knew.

September 22- October 22 Libra----
All you need is a little data and your mind races. When jumping to conclusions, you land with both feet squarely on target. Your enlightened condition is fleeting, but it's valuable while you have it.

October 23- November 21 Scorpio----
Is a compromise better than a fight? Both outcomes may be unsatisfying, but one costs much less. Dress in layers just in case your inner furnace starts working overtime.

November 22- December 21 Sagittarius----
You're all about abundance and nowhere close to excess. The stars are liberal with their privileges. To someone that's never been here, it sounds as though you're exaggerating.

December 22- January 19 Capricorn----
Your questions are more than just making conversation. If someone expects you to deviate from your current pattern, they'll have to give you all the answers. The story isn't over until Capricorn says so.

Enjoy and Lord of Metal see if you like yours now
Febuary 20 horoscopes

January 20-February 18 Aquarius----
Your last chance has apparently come and gone. You could curse the luck of the draw or play out this hand to see what happens. Even if your critics are right, take comfort in their logical flaws.
February 19-March 20 Pisces----
Disappointment is a thing of the past. Look forward to a month of confident action and smoldering heat. Your opponents' alleged strengths are the perfect weaknesses to use against them.
March 21-April 19 Aries----
Forced volunteerism seems like your own idea after a little time alone. Consider this positive thinking instead of brainwashing. It's okay to like what someone else says is good for you.
April 20-May 20 Taurus----
A sudden challenge is really a blessing in disguise. Why are you so amazed when everyone rallies around in your hour of need? Those who love you have always been here for you.
May 21-June 21 Gemini----
Don't leave yet, even if you see the perfect escape vehicle. Your secret is safe here. New communities form around people that share a common experience.
June 22-July 22 Cancer----
Admirers are serious when they list your qualities. Trade on your shining reputation for more money or a better assignment. You don't have to share yet -- there will be plenty of time to show your gratitude.
July 23-August 22 Leo----
Your friends know best, and they're telling you in a loud, clear voice. Move with the crowd that takes you exactly where you want to go. History will treat you kindly for not following your first impulse.
August 23-September 22 Virgo----
Why not go for the very best? You're creative, resourceful and determined. The best part is that you'll be setting up a wonderful string of unintended consequences. Tomorrow is sure to bring surprises.
September 23-October 22 Libra----
Temptation is overwhelming. Your dreaming mind can flip the switch all too easily between fantastic experiences and those who make you force yourself awake. Avoid situations that are likely to spin out of control.
October 23 - November 21 Scorpio----
Surely it's illegal to feel this good. Negativity belongs in a place far from here with no direct connections. Show what you can do when the universe is supportive. You have about a month to access this kind of energy.
November 22-December 21 Sagittarius----
The odds are against you. A prolonged struggle will drain away those resources that you can't spare. Ignore other people's opinions. Too much outside advice will only confuse you.
December 22-January 19 Capricorn----
Misfits and mavericks are accepted as pioneers. Everything is still coming your way long after you expected the tide to turn. Be quiet about an accident if others choose to see it as a work of genius.

:hotjump: Lord of metal does this capture your self more :wave: