Horror Show at Utopia??

Did someone mention Iced Earth? :)
I dont know if utopia has it, i was there last friday and they didnt have it then.
Heres some more iced earth news....

In Greece, ICED EARTH’s Horror Show has already become the fastest selling metal album of ALL TIME, selling 7,500 copies on street date and more than 10,000 units the following day (outselling IRON MAIDEN and METALLICA). Iced Earth's European tour will be inaugurated on September 7th in Holland. They will play a two-and-one-half hour long set with two intermissions throughout the tour. During the first part of the evening, they will play selections from their first three albums: Iced Earth, Night Of The Stormrider, and Burnt Offerings. The next third will have Egyptian stage motifs and will feature music from The Dark Saga and Something Wicked This Way Comes. To cap off the evening, horror motifs will emerge and the band will perform selections from Horror Show.
How good is that!! :)
Plus they are going to be making a video (dvd if the wankers at century media will pay for it, not likely!) we all presume it will be of the stage show they are putting on in europe, but its not confirmed yet.
Once again, how good is that!! :)
The promised video almost makes up for the lack of an Australian tour... almost :mad: .

I have a heavily edited promo version of Horror Show (the complete album had *better* be coming soon), and the things that stand out most for me are the bass and drums. Richard and Steve put some very impressive finishing touches on some already brilliant songs. It's a shame that Steve is no longer on good terms with the band. His work on the intro to "Damien" is almost worth the price of the album. Not that I paid for it of course... :grin:

I got the whole thing burned onto a cd from mp3s (yeah im impatient, im still buying it of course :) )
I agree that the drums sound unreal, I didnt think id be able to notice a better drummer in their music as im not a drummer myself, but richard is great.
Thats one of the only things bad about something wickeds production, the drums are a little bit thin, but they are brutal on horror show!
They recorded the album at jons house in a studio in his basement, which i was surprised at! They did do a few finishing touches at morrisound studios though. Its very well produced, but by now im sure they would have that kind of thing pretty well worked out i guess, so i shouldnt be too surprised.
As for damien, jon actually plays that bass part :) He said steve couldnt get the feel right for the intro so he did it himself.

I wish they would tour here too, but i guess i can understand why they dont, its not exactly cheap and they probably dont sell too many albums here (plus the fact that we import it would make it hard to get some kind of sales figures). That said, I WANT A TOUR :)

Horror Show is priced at $51.95AUD on the Sanity Website .

Thank fuck I ordered it when it was only $24.95 :grin:

Only a 5 days until the release!!!

Sydo :)
sydo...that might be the digi pak or 2cd version ??

Well i'm ordering my copy from Metal Mayhem...they apprently already have copies on shelf and the digi pak and 2cd limited editions will be on shelf tommrow....

i should have it by the end of next week :grin: :grin:
One the topic of interviews, on the iced earth offical site theres just been a swagger of new interviews put on the site. And in some interview Jon says Helloween aint really bad, its just that he saw a poster of Keeper 1 when it came out saying Halloween is the 13 min song maiden could never write, so thats why he was pissed at helloween, cause it was bagging Maiden. Now I feel so much better knowing Jon approves of Helloween hehe :D
Metal Mayhem have had Horror Show in for over a week at $29.50, and since yesterday have also had the limited edition version. (Which I was told is about $40)

Speaking of which.... I have to go to the station now to head into town and buy it!!! *EXCITED* I waited for the special one heh.

UP THE... erm... ICEDS! Haha.
Well I have it!!!! :)

If you can find the 2CD one, GET IT! It's cool!!! It's set out like a children's hard cover story book which fits in a box, and it each page has the lyrics for that song and then an illustration of that story hehe. It's so cool!
Er, Troops... I don't mean to burst your bubble or anything, but the cover of Transylvania is included on the regular Aussie version anyway. You could have got the same amount of music for a far more reasonable price.

BTW, Transylvania is Track 8 on the Aussie pressing, right before Frankenstein :).

Also, part 1 of that Jon Schaffer interview I was telling y'all about a while back is on Powersurge this Sunday night. Highlights will be posted here soon thereafter.

Originally posted by Wrathchild
the cover of Transylvania is included on the regular Aussie version

Cool! But I bet Sanity will screw my order up somehow and send me some shitty version :mad: