Hospital Again.


Natursekt Black Metal
Jul 13, 2005
Weinheim, Deutschland
Friday night I got totally trashed again, but this time I tripped and fell to the floor landing on my thumb, breaking it at the base. Its a bad break, and I will have to go to hospital on Wednesday for an operation. I hope to see you guys when im well and fixed. I do have a cronic fear over not being consious, and as it happens this is an operation done under general anesthetic, im scared shitless.
"hospital again" ?? how many times do go to the hospital in a year??
Surgery sucks total ass, but its no big deal. You suddenly get tired, blink, and a few hours pass and you feel dizzy and sick, and your hand hurts more than it did 2 seconds ago.

My brother has a metal plate in his hand from when he punched the wall of teh drunktank too hard, and my right hand/arm has a history at the hospital.

*writes this line here to aknowledge all wank jokes and dismiss them*

Just means dont get drunk for a little while :p

Edit: Morphine is Shite, they gave me an overdose of it when I was 9 and I puked all over the plae once I woke up.
Cast'll be off before you know it :D
Get to a Piano and practise left handed, helps with dexterity, learning theory, and helps you not go insane from bordome.
I have never gone to hospital for anything (except to be born!)

I nearly did once when i got hit in the eye with a bb gun, no it wasn't a bullet someone actually hit me with the gun!
My eye was pretty fucked up, but i just let it heal itself and it's fine!
I went to hospital ones when i got a stick in my eye...and i have been there once with my friend when he had to mutch to drink and another one when another friend cut open his fot so he had to have surgery.....
Turbo said:
Friday night I got totally trashed again, but this time I tripped and fell to the floor landing on my thumb, breaking it at the base. Its a bad break, and I will have to go to hospital on Wednesday for an operation. I hope to see you guys when im well and fixed. I do have a cronic fear over not being consious, and as it happens this is an operation done under general anesthetic, im scared shitless.