Hospital Again.

Turbo said:
Friday night I got totally trashed again, but this time I tripped and fell to the floor landing on my thumb, breaking it at the base. Its a bad break, and I will have to go to hospital on Wednesday for an operation. I hope to see you guys when im well and fixed. I do have a cronic fear over not being consious, and as it happens this is an operation done under general anesthetic, im scared shitless.
totally fucking pwned :lol:
Turbo said:
Friday night I got totally trashed again, but this time I tripped and fell to the floor landing on my thumb, breaking it at the base. Its a bad break, and I will have to go to hospital on Wednesday for an operation. I hope to see you guys when im well and fixed. I do have a cronic fear over not being consious, and as it happens this is an operation done under general anesthetic, im scared shitless.

good luck dude, everything will be ok
Turbo said:
Damn right. At least you can speak it, and we understand you. I tried a few Greek words and they were like wtf????
mousaka,tzatziki and malaka. That is all the Greek you’ll ever need to communicate here :lol:
good luck with the operation mate :kickass:

Nikotiini said:
i find greek people fascinating... especially how they are named.
You mean ancient Greek names that actually mean something.

I have two names Stelios-Sotiris,the first doesn’t actually mean something but the second is Greek for savior but everybody just calls me Akis which is a typical nickname.
dude it's really no big deal...I had it in my wrist/arm just 2 and half days ago. you'll feel fine like a couple minutes before you go under, no big deal. I was cared too, it was the only surgery i've had that i can thouroghly remember so yeah. dont let the docter mess with you though like he did with me. as he was injecting aenathesia(?) into me he said he was gonna put the big needle in my brain lol. watch out for cocky docters lol.

it's pretty basic surgery, mine actually only took 30 minutes from when i left my parents to when i saw them again.
CliffBurton said:
isnt that a kind of sauce?
yes it is.Mainly yogurt and garlic.(yummy !)

Turbo said:
I think they were all swearwords lol. Pushdis.
Mousaka:Traditional dish
Tzatziki:Traditional sauce
Malaka: wanker - jerk off but amongst baddies is not offensive

Pushdis is better pronounced as poustis and mean homo-faggot

Nikotiini said:
That's really interesting, but i was refering to when a child is born, say a girl for example, her middle name is whatever her father's first name is... and then her first name is her grandmothers first name? I can't remember... but i know it's something like that.

A child usually takes his fathers last name (I haven’t since my mom wasn’t married and I have never met him),when two people get married the wife takes her husbands’ last name (I think this is optional but most girls I know did or use both last names).
A child’s first name can be anything but it is like a tradition to be the name of one of his grandparents’,just like I have the name of my grandfather (Sotiris).
But unfortunately less and less people pay attention to the customs anymore.