As with Shaun of the Dead, this is just an amazingly high quality film. I mean yeah, it's dumb stupid fun, but when you really start to ANALyze it, you see some great writing, directing, acting, and cinematography. My favorite scene in Shaun of the Dead is when he passes out, then wakes up having not moved a muscle 8 hours later. They reprised that at the train station toward the beginning of Hot Fuzz, which I thought was brilliant. The numerous film homages were great, and honestly a few parts made me jump. That death scene at the church? Holy balls, that was awesome! The dude is completely shithoused but takes a few more steps, creepy!
Very impressed, again, by these dudes. And it's not just for the funny, such as other new school of comedy like Supertroopers, Reno 911, etc.