Hot Swapping Pickups?


Dec 6, 2010
Athens, AL
Hey guys. I would like to be able to switch pickups while changing strings. so I was wondering if I could make my guitar pickup-hot-swappable with passives and actives by only having volume knobs, one for passive and one for actives(like separate circuits for each). And then have the tones at set values since they are suppose to have different pots for active vs passive. And then add a ground wire since my guitar currently has actives and probably wont have one.

Is this possible? And no I don't need my tone knobs :p
I can't see why it wouldn't be possible. I believe each circuit could be wired in parallel to the other. I've never wired a set of active pickups though, so there could be something I'm not taking into account.

From looking at a few diagrams, it looks like an active circuit has two grounds? One from the battery and one from the rest of the circuit? Unsure about that... If it works the way I imagine, that won't affect anything. When using passive pickups, you would just ignore the battery ground.