Hot Topic not usless afterall...


May 19, 2003
San Francisco
Many of you will probably laugh at this, but Hot Topic has some kick ass CDs! I found a couple Century Media/Nuclear Blast mix CDs for like, $3 a piece. I also picked up Metal for the Masses, which has Shadows Fall, Arch Enemy, In Flames, Dimmu, Darkane, Hypocrisy and SkinLab on it, to name a few.

For under $5, it doesnt get much better.
I've gotten a couple of cool band t-shirts there..a Dimmu and a Fear Factory. It's kind of a cool store..I also got a Ren and Stimpy "It is we who are your firedogs" shirt there...
Testament Legions said:
They sell CDs? I try to avoid that place, but they have a great collection of biker t-shirts.

LOL, same here tl. I have a sticker they made me take from the store. I got a rare cd there too! NOt quite $3.00 but worth the check out. They are sponsering the 2nd stage at Ozzfest.
meh...i don't like that place but still go in every time i'm at a mall that has one, lol. yeah they have some good shirts and music, but the amount of nu-metal munchkin apparel is still overwhelming. everywhere i go i see kids wearing those silly pants with the suspenders hanging down, and they're too short on alot of kids...cuz they're for munchkins! not that i have anything against munchkins
Hot Topic is GAY! Real metalheads do NOT buy their shit in shopping malls! Hot Topic sells reproduction t shirts, etc. Fuck that place! It rots in hell. When it first opened here many years ago, I went in and shot up their merchandise with a piss loaded squirt gun, hahahahha!
What amused me was their plus-size branch over in Attelboro. It got mainstream press since the last time I had been dragged in. So, they redid the floors, got better lighting, painted over much of the black areas, but left the cash register as this hideous "Victorian" monstrosity that was supposed to show their affiliation with the legions of darkness.
Honestly... I believe they're a part of the same corporate family as the Gap if memory serves so I cando the self righteous college student thing and boycott them for crappy labor policies...
Hot Topic is GAY! Real metalheads do NOT buy their shit in shopping malls! Hot Topic sells reproduction t shirts, etc. Fuck that place! It rots in hell. When it first opened here many years ago, I went in and shot up their merchandise with a piss loaded squirt gun, hahahahha!

I'm a real metal head...and I don't think buying a t-shirt somewhere would change that fact. AND if you actually did what you said in your last sentence...well...what can I say...nice!:Smug:

What is with some of you people?? You don't shop at the mall?? Where the fuck do you get your clothes?? Goodwill? This whole nu-metal kids attitude is so rediculous...I'm not going to shop in a mall because there are nu-metal kids, grind core kids, or gangsta rappin kids there. Oh fuck..there were some stupid nu-metal kids at my favorite bands concert last night..if they listen to it then it must suck now and now I must find a more obscure band...that's the only way I can be troooo!!

I have a theory about "nu-metal" kids...they start listening to the more easily accessible Mudvain<---fuck..I don't even know how to spell it! Then they move on to Slipknot..both of these bands are fairly simple and after a while they get bored with it..they start buying metal mags, checking out more bands..downloading the occasional mp3 and buying the albums from the bands they like...expanding their metal horizons..and all that happy horse shit..Some probably don't do this, but I bet the majority do. So when I see the kids at the shows I go to with their Slipknot shirt on..rockin out to In Flames, or Nevermore..I feel happy about it..because for one..they are more album sales for the bands I love and two, they are gonna drop the Slipknot shirt like a hot rock after they hear some real metal and alas...another crazy metal head is born!!!!
MindInsane said:
I'm a real metal head...and I don't think buying a t-shirt somewhere would change that fact. AND if you actually did what you said in your last sentence...well...what can I say...nice!:Smug:

What is with some of you people?? You don't shop at the mall?? Where the fuck do you get your clothes?? Goodwill? This whole nu-metal kids attitude is so rediculous...I'm not going to shop in a mall because there are nu-metal kids, grind core kids, or gangsta rappin kids there. Oh fuck..there were some stupid nu-metal kids at my favorite bands concert last night..if they listen to it then it must suck now and now I must find a more obscure band...that's the only way I can be troooo!!

I have a theory about "nu-metal" kids...they start listening to the more easily accessible Mudvain<---fuck..I don't even know how to spell it! Then they move on to Slipknot..both of these bands are fairly simple and after a while they get bored with it..they start buying metal mags, checking out more bands..downloading the occasional mp3 and buying the albums from the bands they like...expanding their metal horizons..and all that happy horse shit..Some probably don't do this, but I bet the majority do. So when I see the kids at the shows I go to with their Slipknot shirt on..rockin out to In Flames, or Nevermore..I feel happy about it..because for one..they are more album sales for the bands I love and two, they are gonna drop the Slipknot shirt like a hot rock after they hear some real metal and alas...another crazy metal head is born!!!!

I would like to thank you for this bit of reality, being a true metal head isn't what your life should be all about, how you live your life is what your life should be all about, not trying to stay underground or tr00, me, I live my life the way I see fit, I listen to metal almost exclusively(also-Jazz, classical) but metal is only one small side to my life, do I love metal, YES, but I also love to write, read, play basketball, football, play guitar, draw, paint and philosophy. When you give in to peer pressure to save face or fit in, you are just letting some of your individualism go, and becoming one of the thoughtless masses, making decisions based on what you think is cool and is to you, popular. This is not the way to go, THINK DAMNIT- so what if some people shop at Hot Topic, you do not have to, and pissing on their merchadise is probably illegal, but more importantly very childish and idiotic, there are better ways to express yourself other than deviance. So be you, because it is the only fucking you, you have, and life is too short for this rampant stupidity anyways, I know this sounds comically inane, but JUST LIVE!
Hot Topic is GAY! Real metalheads do NOT buy their shit in shopping malls! Hot Topic sells reproduction t shirts, etc. Fuck that place! It rots in hell. When it first opened here many years ago, I went in and shot up their merchandise with a piss loaded squirt gun, hahahahha!

Evidently, you can lead a 'real metalhead' to a good deal, but you cant make him appreciate it.

Given that cds normally cost 3x that much, the place the sold them could sell babies on spikes and i would still buy a cd from there.

That reminds me, I need replentish my stash of babies-on-spikes.
Hot Topic is def. a weird store, its a good place to get some weird stuff that you wouldnt normally see before, like wacky Beavis and Butthead shirts or something of the sort, but oddly enuff my g/f who sadly is a fan of ICP and Twiztid bought me a Slayer shirt from there, she knows i obviously listen to metal cuz i constantly make fun of her for listening to idiots in Face Paint
What is with some of you people?? You don't shop at the mall?? Where the fuck do you get your clothes?? Goodwill?

LOL, no I was referring to metal t shirts, not regular clothes, sorry for any confusion!
I have always bought my t shirts at shows and through bands merchandise inserts that used to come in all the records. There was also an underground mom and pop used record store I would buy from, but never from some cheezy cock sucking corporate McMetal mall store, and we had them back then too. Always overpriced and always re production tour shirts, etc. I remember seeing Metallica shirts at the mall sometime after Master of Puppets was out.
These days I still buy my t's at shows or directly from the bands.