Hot Topic CD!

That's OK. I have patience which allows people like myself to tolerate a person of lesser intelligence such as you. You're forgiven.
I think the key here guys is relativity. Of course bands such as In Flames, Shadow's Fall, Hypocrisy and such are not mainstream in the truest form of the word but in a supposedly aware and dedicated to metal community, they most certainly are popular and mainstream. I know every single one of those bands on that compilation by name, and what style of music they play but I haven't heard songs by them all.

Dying Sun has given no one any reason to think he's elitist or hates music just because it's popular. He has only hinted at a dislike for people who like only mainstream music, and to an extent I agree. I listen to everything from the lessern known in post-rock like Bark Psychosis and Explosions In The Sky and screamo like City Of Caterpillar and Envy to the popular indie like Radiohead, Godspeed You Black Emperor and Modest Mouse. But I think Dying Sun is making some perfectly valid points, and if you guys weren't so terrified of what someone else thought of the music you listened to, or guilty that you listen to mainstream music exclusively then maybe you'd take his points without bias and see HE IS MAKING SENSE.
Oh man! I just about busted a gut over that special olympics poster! That's both extremely funny and very true.

I really can't seem to bring myself to give a rats ass about whether what I like is mainstream or not. Who cares!?
I like what I like and however people choose to categorize it is immaterial. Why the hell does anyone care what I derive pleasure from listening to anyway? Categories are for marketing weasels who want a readily recognizable label to slap on anything and everything to make it easier for them to force-feed mediocrity to the masses. They can have their fucking catergories, such as 'mainstream'. Personally, I have no use for them.

I don't see it necessary to put down the tastes and opinions of others either. That just gets the ball rolling for an endless stream of heated, rhetorical bullshit. Besides, EVERYBODY'S got an opinion; and you know what they say about opinions and assholes!
But listen to him! He's taking the slightest details of everything in music, using pseudo-intellectual bullshit to say it's MAINSTREAM. Oh no MAINSTREAM!!!! i guess he has to stay away from everything mainstream, even though by his way of thinking anything is connected to mainstream. It still doesn't matter, if he thinks New Millenium Cyanide Christ is angst and he must stay away, then fuck it. What the hells the point of this whole "quest to stay away from mainstream as much as possible"? Nothing!!!! It doesn't make you smart, it actually makes you sound quite stupid.
Don't you know that the truly elite only listen to music for the message? It doesn't matter that the music itself sounds like three year olds banging around on various instruments, as long as they wear corpsepaint and sing about nihilism or nazism. It really takes intellect to be able to enjoy something like that. If you disagree, you're just not part of the supreme race.

Someone should make up a new word for an aversion or fear of Mainstream (music)....

Elitophobia (Or some such) :D
Spike said:
Someone should make up a new word for an aversion or fear of Mainstream (music)....

Elitophobia (Or some such) /forum/images/smilies/supergrin.gif
Exactly. You could also call it "Trueophilia". Dying Sun, I will once again post the definition of mainstream to you.

The prevailing current of thought, influence, or activity: “You need not accept the nominee's ideology, only be able to locate it in the American mainstream” (Charles Krauthammer)The prevailing current of thought, influence, or activity: “You need not accept the nominee's ideology, only be able to locate it in the American mainstream” (Charles Krauthammer)
I still don`t see dystopian predictions being the prevailing current of thought in music today. Do you? Well, it doesn`t matter anyway, because since neither you or I are going to change our opinions any time soon, I propose we agree to disagree. Okay? I can only take so much repetitious arguments.

Orestes Mantra:
That was a damn funny analysis, its so true(pun intended).You can see the exact same lyrical devices he called Meshuggah mainstream for including in their lyrics. Here`s a rep point from me :)
I just got my first negative rep point by some piece of shit that says "you don`t know shit". Well, isn`t this just representative of UM?