hot topic to sell black metal

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Jan 13, 2006
ok i was at my local mall(hahahaha i am a mallcore jk) and i went into hot topic to make fun of the guys there and did the normak thing "do u guys have any bathory or opthalithma cds or shirts" and then as i turn around, i see immortal,darkthrone,burzum and marduk(they suck) and i ask the lady. She is saying that there starting to get shirts from those kidna bands....will anyone start to shop there..i still wont
newBLACKways said:
ok i was at my local mall(hahahaha i am a mallcore jk) and i went into hot topic to make fun of the guys there and did the normak thing "do u guys have any bathory or opthalithma cds or shirts" and then as i turn around, i see immortal,darkthrone,burzum and marduk(they suck) and i ask the lady. She is saying that there starting to get shirts from those kidna bands....will anyone start to shop there..i still wont

You Americans can console yourself that thanks to your gun laws, there's an increased possibility that this person might shoot himself in the face.
So a store is selling band shirts that you like, but you still won't shop there?



Newsflash, they are selling band merchandise that you like...just like they are for everyone else who goes in there to buy HIM and Slipknot. What makes your tastes special?

newBLACKways said:
ok i was at my local mall(hahahaha i am a mallcore jk) and i went into hot topic to make fun of the guys there and did the normak thing "do u guys have any bathory or opthalithma cds or shirts" and then as i turn around, i see immortal,darkthrone,burzum and marduk(they suck) and i ask the lady. She is saying that there starting to get shirts from those kidna bands....will anyone start to shop there..i still wont
how old are you again? :err:
and there's two ways to look at it: One way is that maybe, just maybe, some of the Hot Topic kids will start to get interested in more underground (or whatever you want to call it) black metal. The other way it could go is they just wear the shirts to look "tr00" and "kvlt" er whatever without having any real knowing of the bands or the music (this is what I expect to happen).
I can barely even comprehend the fact that a HUMAN BEING conceived this thread

Fuck you, go away and never make threads again

Locked with the biggest padlock ever
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