House of Blues,Chicago...Sucks!


New Metal Member
Feb 9, 2004
IL. U.S.
Well last night we went to go see the show last night and hloy fuck the line was fucken long ass hell. But holy shit did house of blues take the longest time and had some of the slowest retards working the door and by the time we got in Amons set was already done! No local openers and they had to have Amon play at 6:25 or 6:30 and we got in at like 6:45-50 or fuck propably 7 and the doors opened at 6:00 and the show starts at 6:35. By the time we got in we heard the last note of Death in Fire. So they must of had a short set or some shit and dude let me tell you alot of fucken people were pissed( I heard this one guy say " I waited all this time outside to hear 3 song!". So me and my friends fucken got pissed left and sold our tickets to some kids outside.
I mean come on what the fuck! Get fucken people moving threw those doors and if you see a line at least wait for the people to come in and shit ... but i forgot we are dealing with House of Blues, Chicago.
The same management issues in every club. Who the fuck controls all that? There should be a tour manager that has an upper hand over club managers and treats all bands equally, therefore vote for me, Pedro. That's what happens when some things are run by different person in each venue, but that's metal for you. Shit like that don't happen when Hootie and the Blowfish opens up for Kajagoogoo.
I was at a venue there ONCE (CKY/Fireball Ministry) and I hated it. Fucking valet parking for a metal concert!

Im glad I went all the way to Detroit instead.
Expect the same here at the Tampa show ever since a guy got stabbed and died at a COC show. Fuck all these venues like Harpo's, HOB, Masquerade,...
On top of crappy beer they have the most nonchalant security assholes .... fuck all of them. All they are after is your $$$ and could give a fuck less if you have to wait outside 2 hours and pay 5-8$ for a beer. Guys like AA probably have very little to say even if they were to bitch about it.
Anyone have any insight on what the Trocadero in Philadelphia is like?
I've been to several shows throughout chi-town and I must say, I will try to never go to the HOB again. I saw AA at the Vic last year and it was infinately better!

Anyway, I knew we would have to get there early. We arrived around 5:30. After having the valet parking, I knew I wouldn't want to wear my coat throughout the entire show.

We waited in the wind on that bridge freezing our asses off. After being an hour early, we still missed the first song of AA's set. Luckily, we had plenty of time to pick up our AA merch and catch the rest of the set. Amazing song list! This was my younger brother's first metal show. I let him borrow my AA CDs when I told him I was going to the show and he readily agreed to join me. After the concert, all the way home back to Indiana, it was "Amon Amarth blah blah blah! Blah blah blah blah Amon Amarth!" We both enjoyed the opportunity to see my favorite band live and AA picked up a young fan in the process.

Did anyone else notice the crowd? While I have nothing against young metal heads, it was a sea of 12 year old Goths wearing Kitty shirts. When I saw COB last year, the crowd was quite a bit different. I guess it's amazing what a year and 1 really really bad album can do for your fan base. I imagine the crowd was exactly what one would expect to see at a Korn show.

And while I expect to get pushed around a bit at a standing room only metal show, everyone in attendance were just complete dicks. No shred of mutual respect at all. 90% of the shows I've seen, everyone is there to have a good time and there is that mutual respect that accidents will happen and just have a good time. At this show, I can't count the number of fights that almost broke out from the teeny boppers just being complete asses.

I'm sorry many of my fellow AA fans missed AA. However, I'm kind of glad the crowd was a bit thin. I was able to get right up there and rock out before all the pricks invaded.

And who the hell is Trivium kidding? Man, they completely blew. And some Kenny Loggins looking fucker up there(I guess he was their singer) trying to get everyone to form a pit. I thought a bit about jumping in the pit to take out my frustrations, but I figured that I'd just be encouraging the band.

Between the shitty venue and the crowed that is still in diapers, I was quite disappointed with the show. I hope when AA comes back into town, they play at the Vic or Metro.:headbang:
So I asked Johan about the door issue, sort of. He says it's up to HOB how the doors get worked, as they are the sponsors of the tour. In other words, e-mail HOB and rip them a new one. It sucks to have dudes and dudettes drive for a day and a half and then miss the whole set. The same thing went on at the venue last night again, and the band can't do shit about it.
True, but I was at the show last night and they were playing their 2nd and 3rd song when everyone finally got in. So last night in Vancouver didn't seem to be as big of a deal as Chicago seemed to be!