House Votes to Repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

I agree with the law being repealed, but being openly gay in the military could easily backfire...

A comment on youtube:

"I'm retired military and if I had one bullet left and had to pick the enemy or some gay fuck. The gay fuck would get it in the back of the head. The enemy is an enemy of the country. The gay fuck is an enemy of humanity.

Friendly fire baby....."
America - Land of t3h Free and home of the Whopper.

So glad this law was repealed.


I agree with the law being repealed, but being openly gay in the military could easily backfire...

A comment on youtube:

"I'm retired military and if I had one bullet left and had to pick the enemy or some gay fuck. The gay fuck would get it in the back of the head. The enemy is an enemy of the country. The gay fuck is an enemy of humanity.

Friendly fire baby....."
Besides being a deplorable statement, you can't make civil policy based on what bigots are going to do. We would still have a segregated military if that were the case. That guy is basically saying "I am a murderer and would treasonously murder my brother in arms because of who he has sex with." Clearly, he is the one who shouldn't be allowed to serve.
I think its good that they have dropped that don't ask don't tell shit, but there is no point showing off that your gay, so what if you like dick, its up to you, but most straight people don't go around showing off that they are straight and like pussy... there is no point showing off if your straight or gay, you are what you are :D
I was in the Finnish army in 2004 and since going to the army is "compulsory"* for men, I think that a few of the guys there were closet gays, and a lot of guys there were openly homophobic, even to the point of not even being able to take a verbal gay joke on them and responding with threat of physical violence if taking any further. The biggest thing with the homophobic reaction from men is labeling and afraid of getting raped/sodomized (edit: or this :lol: ). The labeling I can understand as especially older people are very old fashioned and anti-gay, but my point of view is that raping, sexual harassment and sexual assault are all crimes, disregarding the sexes. Think if women would behave the same way around straight men because they are afraid of getting raped just by being close to them... Maybe that is why I have no fear being around gay guys, because they usually behave as well or even better than straight guys. And the groping gays understand "no" way easier compared to straight guys who are groping women.

* well not really, you can choose between army, civil service or jail, but over 90% still chooses going to the army