How are the guys doing on their tour???


Oct 16, 2002
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Jax, Deron, Glenn.....anybody who has been in contact with the guys, now over halfway through their are they doing ? Any interesting stories / comments to relate to us? Thanks! :)
Pharoah said:
Jax, Deron, Glenn.....anybody who has been in contact with the guys, now over halfway through their are they doing ? Any interesting stories / comments to relate to us? Thanks! :)

I can say that I haven't heard anything from them so far. The last time I heard from anyone in the band was just before getting on to a plane for the tour.

Maybe Jax could give us some answers? :)

oh.. just remembered.. how did Mike react to his birthday-greetings..? :Spin:
I haven't heard from the guys because I don't believe their cell phones have international service on them (and no, I'm not on tour with them; I have a child in school & have to be here for him during the school year or I'd have loved to go along!) for Mike's greetings, he was really surprised, & said he was going to sit down and read them all; he seemed pretty impressed that so many people had sent something in. :)
All the greetings that were sent to me AND posted here were printed & put in a folder & handed to Mike after the Jaxx show, so yep, he got your greetings :)