How 'bout some love for Dissident Alliance!


Fantasy Football Genius
Jul 3, 2004
Right behind you!
I know that this is everyone's least fav JP CD, but come on it does have some good songs.

Personally, 'Forsaken Child' is one of my 10 fav JP songs. It's totally unlike anything else they've ever done. I like it way better than the redo they did on "Decade." It's funky and with some interesting stuff (musically) going on. 'Edge of Blindness' and 'The Church' are great songs. Yes, the lead guitar work is stuff Chris could do in his sleep and Harry isn't doing the singing. But it shouldn't be universally hated!

Remeber what Linus said on "A Charlie Brown Christmas" about Charlie Brown's Christmas tree--"It's not really a bad tree. All it needs is a little love." I echo Linus' words about Dissident Alliance: "it's not a bad CD. All it needs is a little love." So, come on and show DA some love! :)
I picked that name because I thought that it was a good description for the 80's underground metal scene

Dissident - as in to dissent from the normal music scene.
Alliance - as a group.

The early underground scene was a very close knit group. People seemed to be genuinely interested in promoting good heavy metal, not just thier favorite bands. Most people listened to a variety of bands too. Venom one day, then maybe Ostrogoth the next, Overdrive the next, etc. It was a fantastic music scene.

I always liked 'Dissident Alliance' but the production is horrible. I think the album sounds incredibly bad. The guitars sound paper thin. Daniel had a decent voice but the mix on his voice was terrible. He was a much better vocalist then what appears on 'Dissident'.

Mark, thanks for the response. I assumed that the 'Dissident Alliance' name was a play on words. Dissidents are usually a loose knit group. I also thought that it might also note a new start for the group, with 3 new members.

I totally agree about the production. It's just crappy. I was surprised that you totally changed 'Forsaken Child' when you redid it on DotNSB. I still like the origional. The bass line just rocks! I'm glad you kept it when you redid it.
Katana Overlord said:
I haven't heard this album. What does it sound like? can someone give a description, is it similar to other Jag Panzer releases more thrashy, more power, more commercial?

More Thrashy, with a little bit of groove. Some songs sound unfinished and half-baked, and the vocals are just terrible.
I got the CD from ebay after I heard the new renditions on Decade Of The Nail Spiked Bat. I just wanted to know how the originals sound. I was positively and negatively surprised when I listened to Dissident Alliance for the frist time.
Positively because the guitar work and music really sound like Jag Panzer and are quite good IMHO.
Negatively because of the extremely bad vocals, especially when Daniel (RIP) tried to scream like Phil Anselmo.
When I listen to the CD nowadays I always pay attention to the guitars and try not to listen to the singing.
Generally it's not as bad as I thought. I like it. It's Jag Panzer after all.
Aias said:
I totally agree about the production. It's just crappy. I was surprised that you totally changed 'Forsaken Child' when you redid it on DotNSB. I still like the origional. The bass line just rocks! I'm glad you kept it when you redid it.

Talking about crappy production...yesterday i received my copy of Satans Host "Metal from Hell"(Harry on the vocals).This one is really a crappy production! :grin: But the songs and Harry's voice are great.
Katana Overlord said:
I actually can't DL either of those songs. I don't know if it's just my computer, but I'm assuming the DLs aren't up yet.

If the song title is not "clickable" you cannot download the song.
When the site was revamped unfortunently we lost some mp3s, however they'll return online soon enough. I know that Mark had some live mp3s in mind he wanted to get online, so most likely when those are uploaded...the other songs will be online well.

Zac said:
If the song title is not "clickable" you cannot download the song.
When the site was revamped unfortunently we lost some mp3s, however they'll return online soon enough. I know that Mark had some live mp3s in mind he wanted to get online, so most likely when those are uploaded...the other songs will be online well.


Zac, you rule! Thanks for all of the hard work you put into the site!

I just bought the import version of DA on eBay. Just to add to my JP collection.
Imagine where JP would be today if they stuck to the DA sound--and lineup! How many of you would be interested and how many of us would be pining for the 'glory years' of JP, when Harry sang and Joe (Dick) was playing guitar?
Aias said:
Zac, you rule! Thanks for all of the hard work you put into the site!

Thanks alot man...much appreciated.
I have to tell you though the main reason the site gets worked on as much as it does, is because of the great communication I have with the band, and the emails & compliments I get from people like yourself.

Thanks again man..
Thanks Zac, but this site wouldn't be the same (or most likely even exist) without you. The site keeps evolving and getting better, which is a tribute to you.

When I finally get my .mac site, I'll have to hit you up for pointers!

And once again, you rule!