How can any fan of metal not like Burnt By The Sun?

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Seriously. I bought their first release, 'Soundtrack to the Personal Revolution', from Papa Josh recently. Their second release, 'The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good', is also excellent.

Soundtrack is more brutal and fast. I guess you could call some of it metalcore, but overall it sounds like excellent and inventive grind.

Perfect is a little more controlled and paced. The songs on this album are a little better, but overall it isn't as brutal as Soundtrack.

I really think they have just scratched the surface of their abilities, though. I get the impression that their next album is going to really kill everything out their.

Oh . . . and they have arguably the best drummer alive.
I like them, particularly the song Forlani because of the rockabilly guitar riff with blastbeats.
Simply based on their debut EP and Soundtrack, I didn't think they were too good. Metalcore-ish grind with little variation. I think Burst do it a lot better.

And the metalcore bands Kiss It Goodbye, Deadguy, and Bloodlet are a lot more interesting.
I prefer Burst to BBTS as well, but BBTS are a great band nonetheless... I agree about the drummer too - Dave Witte, isn't it? Anyone heard the collaboration he did with Chris Dodge - 'East/West Blast Test'? Apparently Witte just sent an album's worth of drumming acrossd the entire width of the USA to Dodge, who wrote guitar patterns and vocal arrangements for it.
I bought the Burnt... "Soundtrack" album a couple years back based on all the underground buzz. That and I wanted to know just what the fuck "mathcore" was.

It did completely zero for me. Anyone want my copy?
So The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good has taken ages for me to get into (though I always have liked it), but finally today I realized its true purpose: to be played VERY FUCKING LOUD while driving around in hot weather. I just had a blast driving through traffic YEAH!!!

:kickass: <-- that was my water bottle in hand while driving, I swear.
I just saw the video for the song Forlani ... this band is great. I could have done without the shouted vocals ... but musically these guys are doing something different.
Will have to look into this further ...
Jersey boys too ...

what is it on HBB today ... all the bands they interview seem to have a member that is a little too old. The bass player for BBTS looked like someones father.
The thing I notce about HBB, is that there are tons of -core bands. I mean, I'm not really surprised since its hosted by one of the Hatebreed guys, but still.....

I love -core, but none of these bands have impressed me. I guess I just keep missing the Neurosis, Converge and Mastodon videos.
this is the first time i have actually watched the hbb from begining to end ... all these new core bands look like a bunch of jocks ... they do mix up the videos nice though ... good selection of stuff ... we had kataklysm, evergrey ... i have seen goatwhore in the past and decapitated ...
not bad really .. and the hatebreed guy is actually really into the scene.