How Can I Improve My Mix?


Holy Crap! Lions!
Jul 13, 2010
Plymouth, UK
I don't have monitors, a treated room or anything that would allow me to accurately gauge the state of my mixes at the moment.

Please, listen to my latest and tell me your impressions, what you feel is lackluster and would could be improved. What you would like to hear out of the mix were you given control. Any advice you can think of, any tips. Anything.

I need some objectivity in your superior monitoring systems, and your opinions as engineers. Please help! stan jesus man retracked stuff.mp3
Cymbals are a little loud for me
Also If you have a drummer who can actually play that, that's pretty friggin awesome haha
Cymbals too loud, and there's too many hits! :Spin: - hence they sound robotic. Also, a better set of samples (mainly i mean multisamples) could help.
Push the cymbals like 6db back, and see what happens :)