How can I improve this mix (metalcore)


Aug 21, 2008

I've spent the weekend recording a first song with my band so that we can enter a local contest (deadline being april 30th).

I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing when mixing but I'm getting better than I used to be. Your feedback would be much appreciated.

Thank you for your time!

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I hear clipping all over.

It's not completely bad. Bring everything down so you arent clipping. I'd say you need your drums a tad louder over the guitars. Toms are almost non-existent.

Guitars have a fuck-ton of midrange which can be carved out.
Thank you for your reply. I've tried to improve the mix a bit following your advice, but I don't really know how to "carve out" the mids on the guitar. Here's the new mix.

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A bit better. I'm digging the guitar tone as it reminds me of Veil of Maya or something. But still seems like waaaaay too much mids. Carve out with an EQ, bro.

What is your signal chain for guitars?
Hello Bryan,

Thank you for your support. Here is the signal chain for the guitars:

1) EMG 81
2) M-audio Fast Track Pro
3) Tubescreamer: TS-999 (VST)
4) Compressor: CamelCrusher (VST)
3) Amp sim: Poulin Legion
4) Cab: LA Convolver with 57_TS_grill_cap_pres_3 from GodsCab
3) Eq (ReaEQ from Reaper)

Could you help me out with the range of frequencies you think I should lower on the guitars? I'll give it a try later on today.
Sounds like you should carve out a lot between 1000-3500 Hz. Use your ears and reference the guitars with a song with guitar tone you really like. I honestly think the tone is pretty rad, just need more clarity and carving some mid may help with that. Your tone sounds a bit like I The Breather's guitar tone on their first album:
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Wow thank you for the kind words Gujukal. Here's a new rebound.

Any thoughts on the vocals ? That's the thing I'm the less used to mix / process so I think I'd greatly benefit from your experience. I added a compressor, an EQ to boost from 1k to 2k and a little bit of reverb to it.
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