How can I make my snares not suck ass.

Jesus, too loud first of all; also, it's very boxy and doesn't have very much air at all; I don't know how DFHS works in terms of your options, but with a real drum I'd bring up the OH's to get more air in the signal (though obviously not if the cymbals become too loud), and otherwise cut around 400 and boost around 6-8k!
It depends on the source material.

Of course it does, if you have a sample that is highpassed at 2khz, it won't have that fundamental tone in there. But I was talking in general, about raw non-processed audio (which drum samples usually are not, especially if you haven't done them yourself and they are not labeled as raw samples) and the eq example that I used worked within context with the mix I was doing atm.

And I had some wrong terms due language barrier, I apologize for that :blush: But I still disagree with you that the subharmonics don't exist (harmonics below the fundamental or attack tone), because otherwise we wouldn't need subwoofers for kick or bass guitar, that have their fundamental tone near 90-200hz :)

But the basic idea in my post was, that if you have a well recorded clip of musical instrument, it will have the "fundamental" tone (usually between 80-700hz) and "attack" tone (usually 4-7 octaves higher from that) and the area between is what I call "mud". But for example in piano, the area of mud constantly changes as there comes different notes and usually mud sounds pleasureable, so there is no need to cut it. But with drums the mud are is constant, so it is easier to cut if it needs to be done if the drum doesn't sound good acoustically by itself.
Holy shit.... I need to get it better then...uhuahuha seriously it was just a try to make a snare sound's cool with a direct compressions and room compression with no EQ or reverb.... just about the dynamics....the ahjteam's tutorial is closing the EQ thread in my opinion...