How come my employer...


vvv Jake's ass vvv
Jul 6, 2002
can't get that I am just an employee and that there is a significant possibility that I might leave his company if a better offer comes my way? One of my co-worker quit yesterday because he found better and since we are a small company I was grilled for an hour to know my commitment to the company and to know what I thought of the departure of the said co-worker. The biggest problem is that I agree with my co-worker, he should have left, he got offered a job where he will be formed in a very specific field for six months, including a month all expense paid in California (in february no less, which is a big plus when it's that cold around here at that time of year). I tried to limit the damage but force is to admit that any trust they had in me is lost or close to.

Anybody got a job for me because I think the end is near....
yeah, f'real.

I can't wait to fight for my promised raise that I'm supposed to get with my new position. it's a shame these things just aren't done smoothly.
I must also mention that the guy who left is one of my best friend and we happen to find each other jobs when one is tired of his current one. I was really high on that job and suddenly I am not so much, as you might expect...