Hostile Working Environments

Marketing Manager: "We've exceeded our weekly sales target! This calls for a celebration - I think we should all go out for a Chinese at the end of the week! Just put your name on the list on the wall if you're up for it!"

*time passes*

Marketing Manager: "Dill, I notice your name isn't on the list! How come?"

Dill: "Do you really want to know?"

Marketing Manager: "Sure!"

Dill: "Because there are very few people in this building that I like enough to want to spent time with outside of work."

Marketing Manager: "Oh."
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-The politicking and behind the back name calling is so bad that one person went out on "stress leave", while another left all together. I'm trying to bring back order and harmony by organizing a potluck and gift exchange dealy, we'll see how that turns out.

-Lurch I'll take that comparison as a compliment of the highest order. I often ask myself "What would Nad do?"

-:lol: at Dill

-Everlost, ever get "tested"?
I work with retards. I don't know how many times I've had someone say, "hey, so and so was saying how quiet you are" and I'm just like, "uhhm. Yeah? *silence*"
I can't wait to get my masters so I can be around people who have no interest in talking about NASCAR, cars, sports, or what their kids ate for breakfast.
Got a Nazi pot luck tonight. No not a Neo one, but when were your options are limited to those listed by the negress organizer. This woman goes HAM when it comes to potlucks, so much so that she wants everyone to arrive 30 minutes early in order to setup. To top it off, she brings half a dozen of her progeny along with her to hob knob, majority of which have cheetah paw chest tattoos and look fit to be the girlfriends of those seen playing the "knockout game."
2006 was easily the worst work year I ever had. By the end of it I was losing my hair. Guess I should've been on RC instead. :loco:
So I was just sitting here minding my own business, peacefully enjoying solitude mind ye. In walks baby panda with a Jim Ross like gait. Fatty McFat plops himself next to me, whips out a vape wand, and starts puffing away at chocolate smores, or whatever feculent flavor he chose to satiate his palate with tonight. I continue minding my own business, checking out sheet on the pc, and responding with monosyllabic gutturals. This baby Sinclair stunt double then segues into his long distant relationship (student from the UK which he met by white knighting on twitch) who fumbled with her beef flaps and exposed her bosom to his 43 yr old virginal corneas. Of course I asked for visual evidence, to which he retorted that he was too much of a gentleman to take a cell shot, as he plans on bringing this one home to mom. Gent still lives at home, which is apparent with such remarks as, "I'm taken" to profess his devotion to his cybernetic consort, who is "saving" for her trek to SoCal in the autumn of 2014. Last cyber romance ended with an orphaned puppy and a drawer full of Tiffany and Co jewelery shipped to New Mexico. Of course, everyone and their mother here at the workstead had to hear all about it. Ugh
Update from two posts above.

English cyber lass is no more, forgot about the 5k puppy, now a 46 yr old virgin after spending two years sharing a one bedroom bachelor chateau with a kumse kumsa male roommate.
How does a rant about somebody I work with reflect my life?

Ye took a little sabbatical from RC and returned an annoying little shit. Now that may not be true, but thats how ye come off by reading your posts. Cuckoldry of your lands stirring up some online passive aggressiveness? It's not I living off your tax dollars hamie. Go listen to some metal and become chill again?
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How does a rant about somebody I work with reflect my life?

Ye took a little sabbatical from RC and returned an annoying little shit. Now that may not be true, but thats how ye come off by reading your posts. Cuckoldry of your lands stirring up some online passive aggressiveness? It's not I living off your tax dollars hamie. Go listen to some metal and become chill again?

see this is the kind of shit i mean
i'm not being passive aggressive or even active aggressive, i'm just concerned for the wellbeing of my fellow man