The bastardization of good music through the association of Faggotry

hahaha. I follow Rob Darken (Graveland) on fb and he posted about that book. Incidentally, he was pissed that it supposedly did not mention I Shalt Become. Some others were pissed that it didnt mention Grand Belial's Key. I dont listen to either, but Im aware both are tied to the racistomg

this whole cancel culture is retarded. just because someone said a racism 20 years ago doesnt mean they should lose their job and be plastered all over goddamn huffington post

There's actually some comments by a guy from GBK in this excerpt. While he doth protest too much about being labeled anti-Semitic, I thought it was interesting that he had the sense to say that "I find it ridiculous [that] for many years now the ‘underground’ will turn a blind eye or tolerate bands who openly express Satanic, nihilistic and perverted views, sing about bestiality, drug abuse and the murder of Christians, and follow like sheep without question, yet will go out of their way to try and clean their guilt by going after anything remotely fascist, nationalist, pagan or folkloric."

It really is absurd and an indication of the level of secular humanist indoctrination of the populace with critical theory and egalitarian rhetoric that even so many metalheads think that there are lines in metal and that they are crossed when any far right ideology is espoused (especially if it says something about tEh rAcIsMs). If you don't like it there's a simple fix: don't listen to it. I make those choices all the time. Instead these twats are actually crusading to destroy these bands.

Cancel culture is idiotic and is made worse by the fact that it's largely a one-way street. People aren't really being canceled for being communist degenerates and all these cuck bands are further proof.
Say what you will about the Black Album being the beginning of the end, its still far from shit.

Well Metallica decided to bring it not only to the dung pile, but drag its rotting corpse through corn crusted stool. What tf is this tripe? @lurch70

Suck a fucking DICK
I watched that whole video, I didn't notice any Elton John excerpt which is the one I wanted to hear!

Ghost covering Enter Sandman sounds like it could be just about the most terrible ever.
Ugh, Metallica. For a laugh the other day I tried listening to the first track on St. Anger. I had a good chuckle. Never heard one note from that album before. Then I felt like looking at their entire catalogue because I couldn’t remember how many albums Metallica have actually released. Turns out they only have like a handful of actual albums over 35 years. I always assumed it was in the dozens.

Then I wanted to see what version Apple has of the eponymous album. They have it listed but the only available song is “Enter Sandman”. I’m assuming this is to force people to actually purchase the album at full price? Does anyone know? I have no interest in listening *and* have the original CD from ‘91 but I’m just curious.
This leads me to another observation: musicians themselves are ruining some music for me. Like say, Dream Theater. I got an email from them about some tripe they are releasing and want me to buy. It is essentially just random recordings but it’s marketed as FROM THE ARCHIVES as if DT are the Library of Fuckin Congress. And they are charging $250. Actual lol
And one more: musicians “creating” an alcoholic beverage. Petrucci is the latest in this long line of offenders.
Ugh, Metallica. For a laugh the other day I tried listening to the first track on St. Anger. I had a good chuckle. Never heard one note from that album before. Then I felt like looking at their entire catalogue because I couldn’t remember how many albums Metallica have actually released. Turns out they only have like a handful of actual albums over 35 years. I always assumed it was in the dozens.

You know, it's weird. Metallica, among others, would release an album in the 80's every two years, and all of them were, arguably, good to classic. Then the 90's hit and the time span expands between releases, but the quality dropped. This happened in the 70s with Sabbath onwards.

Is it just being young and lots of drugs? Or maybe its just timing. Early career trying to get exposure?

Even your precious Dream Theater released their "classic" stuff from '88-'99, a total of 5 albums including I&W, Awake, and Metropolis. Personally, I think Six Degrees from '01 is their best, I&W is appealing to non prog dudes like me.

I'm not Floydian, but didnt they release an album every two years or something? And they are all highly regarded?

EDIT: PF released 10 albums from '67-'77. wtf

The tools are there these days to create more music faster. Must be economics, because it's harder to be a "rock star" these days due to the ADD of fans.
Agreed, sir.
I find the shameless attempts to remain relevant distasteful. I find this renewed each time I dip my toes into social media.
To be fair, nearly every band I listen to is involved. It’s surely just an expected part of the business and the bands might even be contractually obligated but man I deleted my Twitter account because it was just bands trying to sell me crap.
Even my beloved Rush turned me off with that Geddy’s Big Beautiful Book of Bass crap.
I never got a Twitter. Or Instagram. Or Tik Tok. Or Snapchat.

When I first got on Bandcamp, it was mostly unsigned or newer bands (Nasheim Solen Vemod (sp?) was my 1st purchase!), and now big bands are on there. I liked it when it was underground.
I watched that whole video, I didn't notice any Elton John excerpt which is the one I wanted to hear!

Ghost covering Enter Sandman sounds like it could be just about the most terrible ever.

I believe he's doing Piano on Nothing Else Matters while Miley Shitrus does vox.

This whole project is fucking AIDS. Is that the charitable target where the proceeds are going? If so, let the faggots wither.
Imagine if they didnt pander to their Grammy brethren and used this whoring to promote actual metal acts that could take the ball and roll with it. 50 hungry acts that could use the rub from a band with "metal" in their fuggin name to bolster eyes on the scene.

"Oh shit this Cover of Wolf and Man is amazing, where did this band Power Trip come from? I need to check them out!"

This on the other hand is fuggin SAD

but true...
Unpopular Opinions:

The Black Album is Metallica's best sounding album.

I could pick apart the production of the first four, even if they are far superior albums, but everything sounded Right for the black thang. Clean but not slick, full sounding without that weird '80s reverb crap, bass tone audible, etc. Note: I love the tone of Lightning, but come on, it's flawed.

Metallica amazes me on an observational level because they can put out UTTER FUCKING BULLSHIT yet still attract attention.

I do not have a lukewarm / meh opinion about any Metallica album. I really dig Hardwired, Death Magenta, and even Load. (Quick aside: DM is the worst produced Metallica album, omfg brickwall crud.)

I absolutely fucking loathe St. Anger, Lulu, and Reload. Quite passionately even. NADRAGE.

So, when you can illicit strong emotions 40 years into your rock and/or roll career, you are an Artist. Even that dickhole Lars.