I own a shack in the desert that Pa bought for $30,000 about two decades back. Given normal appreciation rates, it should be about $70,000 by now, which would make sense.
BUT WAIT that part of the desert is a hipster paradise now. So let's get shitfuck wild and double it. $140,000 value.
BUT WAIT AGAIN realty has gone full retard in 2021 so let's double it again because fuck logic. $280,000 holy guacamole.
Is that enough butt-pullin' math stupidity for you? No? Great! Because guess what: the house is "worth" a lot more than that. How much exactly?
I'm sure the situation of today is perfectly normal and there is no bubble that will ever pop thus leaving a bunch of purposely uneducated financially illiterate fools left eating dirt at all, no sir that would never happen again so soon after the last bust. #capitalism