US Housing Market Faggotry

Yeah, ppl stealing catalytic converters has been an ongoing issue lately I hear.

I have no problem with ppl taking cans/bottles out of the recycling bins though. If they are willing to do the legwork over other's trash, all the power to 'em.
Yeah, ppl stealing catalytic converters has been an ongoing issue lately I hear.

I have no problem with ppl taking cans/bottles out of the recycling bins though. If they are willing to do the legwork over other's trash, all the power to 'em.

Nor do I when it comes to cans. Except in my circumstance these vagrants were legitimately pulling half the dumpster contents out of the bin and laying the shit out in the car port to vet through it. Fucks werent quiet about it either, unabashedly causing such a stir that I thought a band raccoons were doing the rummaging. Such filth needs to be confronted or theyll do it AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN.

Love how this lilly livered sissie just kindly shoos these two sacks of waste while posing not an inkling of a threat. "Im going to post this on snap chat if you dont leave ehhhhhh <SNL Pat Voice>"

If youre not going to be confrontational, stay the fuck inside and call the popo.
Absolutely agree. These two guys warrant pepper spray at the minimum. I’d be interested to know if he would be in his legal right to present lethal force. I’m not saying I personally believe that is warranted here, just curious.

Regardless, this guy just standing there filming is a really bad idea. Call on the police to engage in violence on your behalf or stay inside.
In that situation I sure as fuck wouldn't waste time filming or rely on the police to get there on time. You'd want to try and stop them. I'd like to believe I'd be less beta but I don't really know. I do feel like I have a feral streak. The more lame stuff that happens in life, the more I build it up and save it for something like this. Running knee first into the guy working the jack would've been an alright start, but do I get to administer a headbutt or use my teeth? Once you're thrust into a situation you might as well enjoy it, whatever the result.
Yeah I don't know about that. I'm pretty passive/nice until someone fucks with my shit, and then I've been known to go Full Psycho and regulate the situation very quickly.

Someone does that to my car, the following options are possible:

1) pepper spray
2) stave to the neck
3) screaming naked guy with a sword (the midnight option)
4) baseball bat to the cranium
5) pure cowardice

In the result of option 5, my giant dog will take their throat out. Thieves will hope that I back down and let the dog handle the situation, but barring that secondary horror, the Wife takes over and lives shall end.

Do not fuck with a Persian woman that lived through war. She will fucking kill you for glancing at her wrong.
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Absolutely agree. These two guys warrant pepper spray at the minimum. I’d be interested to know if he would be in his legal right to present lethal force. I’m not saying I personally believe that is warranted here, just curious.

Regardless, this guy just standing there filming is a really bad idea. Call on the police to engage in violence on your behalf or stay inside.

Unfortunately dont think he would have legal standing to shoot this fucker until his skin got singed off by said torch. Easily couldve walked up and Ray Finkled his face, and took note on where it led from there.
Landlord finally bought a new dryer 3 wks later. I suggested he remove the deadbelt to the room so lazy shit bags cant prop it open with ease. Alas, its still in tact. I guess I'll walk an extra 20 ft every time I saunter through the carport to ensure that its not ripe for the plunder.
A) Holy shit does Botanist live there?!
B) I hope this is how the plant revolution that destroys humanity begins.
C) For 2021 realty, that seems pretty cheap.
D) I've gigged in worse venues than that.
E) All of the above.
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I own a shack in the desert that Pa bought for $30,000 about two decades back. Given normal appreciation rates, it should be about $70,000 by now, which would make sense.

BUT WAIT that part of the desert is a hipster paradise now. So let's get shitfuck wild and double it. $140,000 value.

BUT WAIT AGAIN realty has gone full retard in 2021 so let's double it again because fuck logic. $280,000 holy guacamole.

Is that enough butt-pullin' math stupidity for you? No? Great! Because guess what: the house is "worth" a lot more than that. How much exactly?



I'm sure the situation of today is perfectly normal and there is no bubble that will ever pop thus leaving a bunch of purposely uneducated financially illiterate fools left eating dirt at all, no sir that would never happen again so soon after the last bust. #capitalism
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