US Housing Market Faggotry

Women homebuyers are becoming a "powerful force" in housing market faggotry during the pandemic, luxury real estate specialist Katrina Campina Martina-Rodriguez de Carnal said during an appearance on "Youre Alone Weekly"

Single women comprised 15.7% of total home purchases throughout the U.S. in the fourth quarter of 2020, compared with 15.3% a year earlier, according to Redfin.

Additionally, single women purchased 8.7% more homes in the fourth quarter of 2020 versus 2019. That’s a significant increase over single men (and fathers who had their coffers pilfered), who purchased 4.6% more homes in the fourth quarter than 2019.

KATRINA: “We’re beginning to see single women are becoming a powerful force in the real estate industry, it’s quite amazing. Seventy-three percent of women said that buying a home was a top priority over marriage. 98% of the 73% preferred a place all their own over a whimpering simp who exuded no masculine qualities. 25% of which dont shave their pits on the reg.


So what we’re beginning to see is that women – they’re becoming more educated, they’re getting more bachelor’s degrees and with that is also coming higher income and with that is coming purchasing power. But I think you know back in the day women would wait to find love, get married, and then have the life that they desire.


Now women are experiencing trench rot, crabby vagis, internal desolation, etc. They are also very well aware that homeownership is one of the main ways that wealth is created in this country. "Dats why I gots what I gots," first time homebuyer Tynesha Tarknees was quoted, So, they don’t want to wait to find the man of their dreams to be able to create that wealth. They want to do that for themselves and that’s why we’re seeing that 20% of homeownership that occurred in 2019 were single women."

You go girlfriend
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I'm never living in an apartment again. I've been residing in apartments for about the last 12 years and I feel like I've outgrown the phase of my life where I could accept that bunk. This place we just got out of was great for awhile because it was right on the edge of campus and I could walk to my grad school classes when I was doing coursework. When I finished my courses there was really no point. It was an old building with a shared stairwell to reach the front door and these furnace deals built into the wall that allowed smells to travel up (among other issues). Of course, the guy living below us was an extreme smoker of both the cigs and the weeds and generally seemed questionable. Maintenance was useless about the furnaces and the housing people were useless about stopping the smoking and other questionable stuff even though it violated the lease. I ended up covering all the furnaces with plastic sheeting and T-REX tape (good stuff btw). We also had no washer-dryer connections and had to use a shared laundry facility that was basically unkept. We ended up just traveling to stay with family a lot during the fall and winter. I think that a lot of these things wouldn't have bothered me when I was single, but now that I'm married with kids I'm hyper vigilant and I can't tolerate anything that infringes on their space and comfort. We're also in our early 30s with two kids and a dog and need SPACE. Our own space. I may have to rent a house for the next year until I can get a full-time career going, but after that I will be in the market to buy a home. I've wanted to do that for so long, but at least I'm getting closer.
I'm never living in an apartment again. I've been residing in apartments for about the last 12 years and I feel like I've outgrown the phase of my life where I could accept that bunk.
oh boy, lemme tell you about apartments

as i've probably mentioned on here before, since autumn we've been doing major and slow moving work on our house (ripping out all the plumbing, tearing up floors, et c) so we live in a cheap shitbox apartment in the neighbouring village/town for the time being

and it's been pretty chill, it's a depressing little crappy apartment but whatever, we basically just eat and sleep here, right? at least we have peace and quiet. both neighbouring apartments used to be empty BUT someone moved into one of them a week or so ago and hoo boy

these motherfuckers are 100% amphetamine junkies because they were awake THE. ENTIRE. WEEKEND. like from friday night until monday morning they were talking non stop, vacuuming at night, vacuuming again in the morning, turning on the tv at 4 AM, just constantly talking about nonsense. and the walls in this place are just paper fucking thin.

since i'm leaving this place soon i don't even have the willpower to confront them about it. i see it as motivation to work faster on the house and gtfo of here asap. but it really, really drove home the realization that i'm absolutely fucking done with living in apartments, or in the immediate proximity of other people, forever. sometimes when you're lost in longer term projects it's just good to get a reminder of why you're doing what you're doing.
ive lived in two different apartments in the past 3 years (including a 5 month stint with a loco ex gf). i dont mind it at all. sure, i would like to have more space, but when it's just me and my dog for the most part, it's not like we are crammed. it's easy to keep clean and if something goes wrong, just get a hold of the fat bald mexican dude who was able to fix an issue i had in 5 minutes. also didnt lose water or electricity during the Icepocalypse Now, Texan Edition.

its quiet for the most part and being on the 3rd floor, i dont really have neighbor issues.

move outta the sticks, guys.
The last time I lived in an apartment was in my late 20s. It was a newly renovated old building, and looked super nicely done on the surface, but literally NOTHING worked. We didn't have an internet connection for the first 6 months we were there, the intercom didn't work, just all sorts of shit was wrong. Our neighbour was a girl I'd guess also in her late 20s who looked like a librarian, but had the loudest sex. One day my mother came over just in the middle of the afternoon I would guess, and literally as she was on her way out of the front door this girl started getting busy and the whole apartment was filled with her groans. I'm sure glad my mother didn't arrive 10 minutes later as that would have been awkward backdrop to our catch-up of polite small talk over a cup of tea.
Currently pigeon held by low rent/nice neighborhood, and a decent wage. No fuggin way Im going to buy a house in this shithole state. So we live one day at a time, milking the cow. Either going to accelerate payments on the house in AZ, or try and save up enough funds to get a second crib.

The complex is relatively small, only 9 units. Biggest downside is that the courtyard is littered with blabbermouths trying to escape their marriages. I may come off as a colassal prick, as I dont stop often to converse with these turds, but they'll hark at you from 60 yards to wrangle you into a convo. Its bat shit insane.

One neighbor admittedly stated he dreads when his wife comes home from work. Fooq used to be a recluse, but unfortunately lost a shit ton of weight so he thinks he's Fabio. Nice enough guy but also grates on my nerves. Case in point a few months byke when my bro and I are carrying a heavy af fridge down the staircase. This shit legit almost broke me in two, and dumbfuck wants to have a convo mid heave.

Other blabbermouths include, but not limited to. Motormouth neighbor with a "Fuck you" tattoo on his chest, hip hop Afro dude who has loud af kids and cackles like an attn whore, team filth who order DoorDash thric daily but have a living room completely in disarray, and midnight alchy who looks like he's on the verge of suicide. Several of these fucks are ex-bangers or felons, but theyre all now living their best life.

Best neighbors are the Chinese who stfu. I cant wait until Im either shit canned or its no longer heavily in my favor financially to stay here. I just want to live in the sticks and have a bbq all my own. Not much to ask is it?
I realize that this is a privileged statement, but I have never lived in an apartment or condo and I absolutely refuse to do so. My wife and I are in our 5th shared dwelling since 2009 and we have been lucky enough to find a single-family/private house each time. It certainly complicates the process of finding a different place to live whenever you decide to move. Hell, if we just decided to buy a condo then my current journey to find a permanent home would quickly be at an end. Personally, I can't come to terms with the idea of strangers and weirdos making noise in an adjacent unit. I never want to encounter another human while I'm entering or exiting my home. I won't pay money to share facilities or outdoor areas. I lived in a college dorm for several years and it was an awesome experience. I've just simply decided that privacy is a priority (despite the fact you're always paying a premium).

One of my friends is constantly complaining about how the unit above him has their bathroom right above his bedroom. In the early morning hours he has to lay there and listen to them groan and shit. Unfathomable.
For the record: I do realize that if you need to live in any city for any reason then your odds of renting an entire private house are significantly reduced. Sometimes that kind of living just isn't practical or possible. Most people aren't moving to LA, Chicago, or NYC with the contingency of avoiding apartments and condos.
Best neighbors are the Chinese who stfu. I cant wait until Im either shit canned or its no longer heavily in my favor financially to stay here. I just want to live in the sticks and have a bbq all my own. Not much to ask is it?

I Just Wanted to Grill.jpg

Asians are great neighbors if you have to live in apartments. We lived across from a quiet Chinese woman and were friendly with a Korean couple that lived downstairs and across from us. If the guy living below had been Asian (and I mean East Asian) it might not have been so bad.
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One of my friends is constantly complaining about how the unit above him has their bathroom right above his bedroom. In the early morning hours he has to lay there and listen to them groan and shit. Unfathomable.

Our bedroom is on the otherside of the neighbor's kitchen. Wife banged on the walls a few times due to dishwashing at 3am. I think theyre somehow a part of drug running scheme. (Single income family who DoorDeDuhs their meals three times a day.) Govt gibs arent that good, something's afoot. Not a huge cog in the wheel, but this family is weird as fn shit.

Im pretty noise tolerant until it comes to whining like a little piss. Which their milksop does quite frequently when he doesn't get his way. "Get off the tablet son pretty please, youve been on it for 9hrs." <waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah>

Put this nosedrip in Pop Warner so he can grow a set, fooqin future faggot.
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I have an apartment in Auckland which I'm still paying the mortgage on. Only problem is I can't live in it right now due to major building repairs. I was supposed to be able to move back in after 5 months, but they found more issues and shit dragged on for all kinds of reasons and now for me it's 2 years in with at least 1 year to go.

The building was built in 2005, and the flaws that needed fixing are shit like the facade, fireproofing, ventilation and balcony floors. But otherwise it's very, very good. The walls are thick enough that I rarely heard any noise, and I only bothered neighbours a few times myself. The majority of the people living there are Asian and very respectful just like you guys have found. There was some cigarette smoke finding its way through the laundry vent early on, but it's a non-smoking building and people followed the rule better as time went on. The place was locked down pretty tight, never really any visitors causing trouble either. Only problem is the hardass building manager died of cancer last year. Hopefully the place hasn't gone into disrepute by the time I move back in (on top of all the construction shit everywhere).

I'm too lazy to look after my own house and grass ain't good for my allergies, so apartment life is perfect for me. Hell, I barely even look after an apartment properly!
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Nice, my one chance to see Auckland entailed hopping on a boat to Tiritiri Matangi. I got no desire to see cityscapes when other optiins are within arm's length. No ragrets.

If I ever make it byke that way, expect a knock on your door. I'll bring the Benadryl.
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Laundry room got broken into for the second time in as many years. Prob some shitstain from the tent estates. Took a pry bar to the dryer and ripped it all to shreds. Mustve had a hell of a time. Never underestimate the will and determination of a meth head.

I live in the shire, but literally a stone's throw away over the bridge from Mordor.

Can the gook landlord invest 2-3 hundo in some fucking cameras?

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damn, you dont have your own washer/dryer in your apt?

Nope, no room for it. Its a 9 unit complex. Landlord obviously charges us to wash by making it coin operated. Hence its been hit by dirt bags twice in 2 years. I asked the slant to stop being a Schmekiel and buy a cheap camera set up on Amazon. Ye can pick up a "RING" camera setup on the low.

In other news, just found out that a close chum moved out of LA to Bakesfield. Dropped near 600 fooqin K to live out in the sticks. Nice af house, but I wouldnt be staying in this shithole state at those prices.