US Housing Market Faggotry

Housing costs in California are preposterous.

This bubble is bound to burst once more. When ye have to be a fucking doctor or a lawyer to afford a home within 40 miles of DTLA, the market is overpriced. I could swing the mortgage on a 300k home and not die of hunger. Too bad there's none fucking available. Half a million is the average cost of a 1.25 bed skidshack overlooking HomeBoy Industries.

I'll just stay renting in a nice part of town with a decent commute. Not worth the cost to cook a ribeye on a Weber. :erk:
The best part about buying a house is that now I get to write off fuzz pedals on my taxes. YEAH, I GET TO WRITE OFF FUZZ PEDALS.

Just for kicks I looked up my old apartment in Riverside that I moved out of almost 10 years ago. I used to pay $865 a month there.

$1,360 rent for 1 bed / 1 bath - Nice place, no commitment, and turtles.*


$1,658.40 mortgage - a god damn 1,308 sq. ft. palace in Suburban Hell.

Fuck housing. Fuck renting way harder. Fuck long commutes 666x more.

*There were many turtles at my old apartment. Now I just have gophers, which I murder.
$1,360 rent for 1 bed / 1 bath - Nice place, no commitment, and turtles.*

I pay about the same for 2 bedrooms, nice neighborhood, less than 10 minutes from Downtown. Riverside is arse breh, no offense. I wouldn't mind moving further out, but the only cities I dig are those that nuthug the San Gabriel Mountains, which at this current juncture, are ass fn expensive. :err:
You couldn't pay me $1,360 a month to live in Riverside again. You could probably pay me $13,600 a month though, but even then, only for a few years, just to save up some moolah. I was ready to leave California years ago, turns out I only needed to bail from Riverside to improve my mood.

The way I see it, high population density is the bane of existence. I don't need to be on the open plain, but a little breathing room is key to psychologically cope with modernity. Once this little enclave gets too thick, and I'm sure eventually it will, I'll just waltz further out. Hopefully I won't have to move to Arizona Bay by then, but who knows?
I pay $1600 for 1800 sf on an acre in a wooded 1960s subdivision. Confederate soldiers once roamed these hills. Maybe they still do.
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Was perusing ex-pat filled retirement real estate South of the Border last night. Not as cheap as I thought. A nice hacienda is akin to a decent house in the states. Probably can scrape up some better deals looking in non ex-pat areas. My spanish is decent, and can easily be honed to well above average if I can be arsed to practice with any regularity.

Trying to take advantage of the misses Mexican nationalism as a potential Escape from AOC's inevitable reign of terror. We'll see, I got some in-laws also tossing around the idea. Got some years left in me.

Also perused more property in the states. Good lawd shit's hiked up in price. Velocity of money from all this printing hasnt even been etched in yet lulz. Good luck if ye dont have some soil to till of your very own. :erk:

I would be moderately open to living in Fontuckey or Rancho Cucamonga, but the prices are fooqin absurd. 450k for a condo? GTFOORC! Nicest area anywhere near this shithole that is reasonably priced is Temecula. Real nice cribs, too bad the congestion on the cracked highways would make such a move impossible. Would legit commute that distance if the interstate wasnt a parking lot.
$450k sounds cheap for Raunchy Scumamonga these days. I like it there, especially up toward the mountains. And I've been told that Fontucky is a nice place now, but I still don't believe it.

The whole point of the Inland Empire was two things: cheap and empty. Now it is expensive and overcrowded. I couldn't afford my own house with current prices, and we just bought 7 years ago.

When I was born the entire region was 1,500,000 people. Today it is 4,600,000 people. I really want people to stop fucking.
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My house is 1,308 sq. ft. and currently would cost $416k according to Zillow. We paid $260k in 2014.

It is a modest house in a modest neighborhood. $416k is absurd but so is every property in California.
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3bd 2ba 1300sq ft goes for 1.2 million.

...and this is why I rent.

Nad legit lives in the sticks. I can be in the heart of the city in 6 mins. :!

Video I took on my daily commute. Alas, its TWICE as bad today, a year later. Who TF would drop any serious coin to live in this Western Mogadishu?
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Yeah I'm pretty much on a different planet compared to LA, ha. And this is my "city" house! The family property is much further east.

Context just so this isnt lost on anyone. This is the intersection of a heavily overpriced part of LA that hipsters long for. Think Williamsburg part of Brooklyn, but in LA.

Hipsters love this area as well as Echo Park & Silver Lake. Skidshacks easily crack a mil. Absolute shit hole.