The bastardization of good music through the association of Faggotry

my bro is ahige wow neard and wathces videos all the time and they always have realy really shiottying musicn.

p.s. drunlk like swizzleduder
hahaha that kfc commercial is pretty dumb, but i can't help but feel like bands that still rock the corpsepaint are flogging the bloody pulp stain that once was a horse and thus deserve to have a little fun poked at them for their unoriginality if nothing else. a few bands out there justify the image by kicking ass but there are so many mediocre corpse-painted tr00kvlt warriors out there, some of them quite famous by this point haven't most of the original second-wave bm bands broken up, gotten soft, or started frowning on the practice (or all three)?
man... you're so right. i could go off on such a rant right now, but you pretty much summed it up.

we are so disconnected from the natural earth that i am terrified by it. we assume that dinner comes from the grocery store, and that heat comes from the furnace. people eat food that has been destroyed, re-constituted, and processed beyond the point of being remotely acceptable. if you were to throw an average american (or canadian, or whoever) into the woods with even some basic supplies, they would not be able to live! we rely on plastics and electricity, running water... all of these things have torn us apart from where we came from. everyone should farm at least some of their own food, they should learn how to repair their own houses if at all possible, they should learn how to camp, they should learn about plants and animals, they should learn that life doesn't revolve around going to college so you can get a job and a wife and 3 kids and a nice little house. they should research their individual impact on the environment and see how very minor adjustments to their lifestyle could seriously help. how did computers and other such distractions become forefront in our society? this is fucked up.

go outside, find somewhere without modern distractions, and listen to your environment. grow some food and discover the true satisfaction of self-sustainability.

edit: this isn't aimed at anyone here, i'm just saying. we all need to get into the soil before we die and end up there against our will.

I'd rather not have my wilderness full of god damn hippies trying to connect with their "roots" to be quite honest. :o
that was right after i dropped out of an environmental liberal arts school- i still had a bunch of wacky ideas. after many days and much rehabilitation, i have changed my views. still, i retain some of that. its essential to connect with the outdoors... you know what I am saying and I know you agree!
that was right after i dropped out of an environmental liberal arts school- i still had a bunch of wacky ideas. after many days and much rehabilitation, i have changed my views. still, i retain some of that. its essential to connect with the outdoors... you know what I am saying and I know you agree!

oh crap old thread! darn this silly amnesia...

and yes yes, I know! mayhaps one of these days I'll coerce the crazy swedes to come over for a little fishing trip or something (don't have the time to take on the bureaucracy to get a fucking hunting liscence, so....), as I generally find that a whole lot more awesome than concerts and crap. I'd invite you too, but if anyone smoked negro hippie grass in my cabin, I'd have to beat them like us norwegians beat our women.
oh crap old thread! darn this silly amnesia...

and yes yes, I know! mayhaps one of these days I'll coerce the crazy swedes to come over for a little fishing trip or something (don't have the time to take on the bureaucracy to get a fucking hunting liscence, so....), as I generally find that a whole lot more awesome than concerts and crap. I'd invite you too, but if anyone smoked negro hippie grass in my cabin, I'd have to beat them like us norwegians beat our women.

dont worry about it, the wilderness gets me higher than anything else! ill be in europe soon- drop me a line :)
First Scion, now Affliction? :lol: The lineup is total shit, but still something that I wouldn't expect seeing receive corporate sponsorship. Ensiferum's really been whoring themselves out as of late to ride the wave broke by Amoney Amarth.

The official lineup for this year's "The Summer Slaughter Tour" has been announced and it looks as follows:
