Which body type would you rather pork? Mature discussion ONLY!

Which would you prefer?

  • Female w/ a Gastric Bypass, slim-medium build,Huge FUPA, excess skin, pussy had its own briefcase

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Female who was overweight, many many rolls, no tits, hips wider than a negar's woes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Susperia

    Votes: 24 96.0%

  • Total voters
Cruda con la FUDA (Fat Upper Degenerate Area) ended up marrying a poor sap that was sprung like a fig leaf. Inbetwixt dropping three-four crotch fruit from said FUDA, bint got bored and past time by visiting her brother in prison. The hubby obliged by driving her to the Maximus corERECTION facility for conjugals with said brother who in all actuality was a face tatted veterano.

They now live happily ever after to the ridicule of all.

P.S Also had his abode set to ash.
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Where did that picture come from? Lol that must be 15 years old at this point. I’m so disoriented
Her artwork is awesome. Check out the Carola Doll series. I laughed.
What was the significance of Susperia? I feel like I was only peripherally involved in RC at that time. There was something about her painting a picture of Erik and that’s all I know.
I think Matt (NJ) and maybe Brandon were trying to Daniel Boone her smelt pelt, as they came off FAR too coquettish towards her.

She'd be an interesting shtoop no doubt, dont blame either of them thirsty bucks.