I think amy lee has like 2.5 octaves, so figure half of what WD can do. she has a good amount of low range. and i heard her do some operatic-like vocals during a back stage clip i found. 2.5 octaves isn't very impressive. i also talked with someone who knew her before she got crazy famous and and they said amy lee has bout 2.5 octaves and she sux. why does amy lee suck so badly? she can't keep pitch, too whiney, etc. why do you think one of the main reasons why ben moody quit the band? he was the only talent in the group at the time. he wrote some kick ass songs and played some cool riffs. i can't deny that. but overall none of what they did was impressive, just enjoyable.

i've always wondered the republican thing too.

RP is nothing like LRD. they are never to be compared again.

MTV has always sucked for the most part. it was okay in the 80s, and had a few cool shows (beavis and butthead, daria, the head, aeon flux, etc), but for the most part it played shitty music. now i rarely see music on that station. MTV2 is where the music is at. though even there is too much crap. headbanger's ball plays like a few good videos with a load of mainstream junk, which is actually kinda good cause it'll get people into mainstream music (atreyu) into real metal (example: nevermore). exposing new audiences to new/good music = great stuff. TV in general sucks, thats why I get everything I want/need online (yay for youtube).
metalkingdom said:
Why would you do that?

"Would of" is highly improper english. HIGHLY.

Correction: Would have.

That... "slurred" modern colloquialism angers me.

Example: I would of brought your guyses things but I knew I was gonna be late.

zmetallica said:
I think amy lee has like 2.5 octaves, so figure half of what WD can do. she has a good amount of low range. and i heard her do some operatic-like vocals during a back stage clip i found. 2.5 octaves isn't very impressive. i also talked with someone who knew her before she got crazy famous and and they said amy lee has bout 2.5 octaves and she sux. why does amy lee suck so badly? she can't keep pitch, too whiney, etc. why do you think one of the main reasons why ben moody quit the band? he was the only talent in the group at the time. he wrote some kick ass songs and played some cool riffs. i can't deny that. but overall none of what they did was impressive, just enjoyable.

i've always wondered the republican thing too.

RP is nothing like LRD. they are never to be compared again.

MTV has always sucked for the most part. it was okay in the 80s, and had a few cool shows (beavis and butthead, daria, the head, aeon flux, etc), but for the most part it played shitty music. now i rarely see music on that station. MTV2 is where the music is at. though even there is too much crap. headbanger's ball plays like a few good videos with a load of mainstream junk, which is actually kinda good cause it'll get people into mainstream music (atreyu) into real metal (example: nevermore). exposing new audiences to new/good music = great stuff. TV in general sucks, thats why I get everything I want/need online (yay for youtube).

So I've heard you're going to produce the new DM album...?
retarded penguin said:
"Would of" is highly improper english. HIGHLY.

Correction: Would have.

That... "slurred" modern colloquialism angers me.

Example: I would of brought your guyses things but I knew I was gonna be late.


Dude - you are so right. I can't believe that I did that. I don't normally worry too much about grammar on the 'net, but shit like that really annoys me when I see others do it.

I don't remember seeing you on here in the last 7 or 8 months, but I find most of your posts to be highly entertaining.

I'm in a really friggin' weird mood this weekend. My wife is staying as far away from me as possible.
metalkingdom said:
Dude - you are so right. I can't believe that I did that. I don't normally worry too much about grammar on the 'net, but shit like that really annoys me when I see others do it.

I don't remember seeing you on here in the last 7 or 8 months, but I find most of your posts to be highly entertaining.

I'm in a really friggin' weird mood this weekend. My wife is staying as far away from me as possible.

Women can feel my invasion, so they avoid my prey.

and I have been on a long hiatus from the boards for NO PARTICULAR REASON. I am just cool enough to be like that.

Dead_Lioness said:
Shall we share a latte at Tim Horton's?

Never had a latte, but I really <3 Timmy's! Really! Tremendously!
I stick to Tuna sammiches, Ice Caps, and bagels. (I am a boring consumer)