How cool would it be if...? (Nevermore/Epica related)

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
My favorite song by Nevermore is "Dreaming Neon Black". Unfortunately, because it requires a good deal of female vocals, it's rarely performed live. I know that at a show in Italy, Christina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil joined Nevermore on stage and performed this song with them. So, I'm wondering if someone (cough, cough, Glenn, cough) could speak to the Epica and Nevermore camps about getting Simone out on stage to perform this song with Nevermore.

Glenn... I know you're a busy man, and probably don't have time for this. Just forward me Warrell and Simone's cell phone numbers and I'll take care of it.

General Zod said:
Glenn... I know you're a busy man, and probably don't have time for this. Just forward me Warrell and Simone's cell phone numbers and I'll take care of it.


And if you wouldn't mind, forward me Simone's number and I'll take care of her.:worship: :Smug:
I saw them do this song live many times and Warrel did the girl vocals..
would be cool... :)

General Zod said:
My favorite song by Nevermore is "Dreaming Neon Black". Unfortunately, because it requires a good deal of female vocals, it's rarely performed live. I know that at a show in Italy, Christina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil joined Nevermore on stage and performed this song with them. So, I'm wondering if someone (cough, cough, Glenn, cough) could speak to the Epica and Nevermore camps about getting Simone out on stage to perform this song with Nevermore.

Glenn... I know you're a busy man, and probably don't have time for this. Just forward me Warrell and Simone's cell phone numbers and I'll take care of it.

Yes, I saw them several times on that tour, in 4 different cities... :)
i have a video of one of them...

General Zod said:
I hate you.:loco:

I guess they did it when they toured in support of DNB? Unfortunately, I was on vacation when they came to town.

I'd kill to see them play ANTHING from DNB. The last two times I saw them, DNB was like their red-headed stepchild... they ignored it completely.
I would love to see DNB too... loved that one... i know not many people will agree but i would like to see them do stuff from the first two as well..... i love those.
rottingflesh said:
I would love to see DNB too... loved that one... i know not many people will agree but i would like to see them do stuff from the first two as well..... i love those.
By first two, I assume you mean S/T and the EP? I have to say, that material doesn't hold a lot of appeal for me. Maybe it's because I didn't jump on to the Nevermore bandwagon until DNB. I do own those first two, but almost never queue them up. If they're going to old school, I'd much prefer some Sanctuary.

actually i mean S/T and Politics.... don't really count the EP since it is not a full one...

i was a huge sanctuary fan, saw them back in 88.... then when a friend of mine recorded me a copy (on tape) of the S/T..i fell in love with nevermore.... and politics is amazing...but i can see where it is harder to get into for some people... dreaming is a great album and i that one got a lot of people's attention.

i promise you, the first time i saw nevermore live, i almost pissed my pants....i was in the bathroom and they began with that intro and i have never ran out of the bathroom so fast pulling my skirt up like an idiot...
they did sanctuary and i almost freaked.... it was my fave time seeing them... not to mention (yes i am retarded) my friend said, that is warrel there..i said no way..that is not him... and then Van was talking to me and i thought he was the bartender so i was like "is this place always this dead?"

General Zod said:
By first two, I assume you mean S/T and the EP? I have to say, that material doesn't hold a lot of appeal for me. Maybe it's because I didn't jump on to the Nevermore bandwagon until DNB. I do own those first two, but almost never queue them up. If they're going to old school, I'd much prefer some Sanctuary.
