How cool would it be if...? (Nevermore/Epica related)

Dreaming Neon Black has always been THE song I wanted to see Nevermore perform live, and each time they never have. I have seen a few other songs from the album performed, but never the title track. And the idea of Simone singing is perfect! I guess only time will tell on this one. Cheers!
I just listened to "Dreaming Neon Black." Not only is that a great song, but I'd love to hear Simone sing on that, if they'll play it. I'm going to be checking out more Nevermore!
BlackenedDawn said:
Dreaming Neon Black has always been THE song I wanted to see Nevermore perform live, and each time they never have. I have seen a few other songs from the album performed, but never the title track. And the idea of Simone singing is perfect! I guess only time will tell on this one. Cheers!

Totally agree. I said last night on the air that if they played the song "DNB" it would bring the house down....and I wasn't even thinking about Simone guesting for it.

Wow, what a thought. :worship:
Morticia NL. said:
Ther is this wonderful Israeli band witha female vocalist, they are highly influenced by Nevermore. Sometimes they play songs from the DNB album.
Check em out at>

thanks for the link, they sound really talented, I'm looking forward to their new disc coming out. im always on the lookout for new b'n'b bands, especially the ones that have retained the growls with the lovely women voices. they do both splendidly well.:rock: