How did it go????

Thank you Evile! Ol, I DID buy a shirt after all. :p But now I am broke until Tuesday (check comes by then. :p ) Yes, I was that guy thanking you for coming after your performance, that couldn't afford your "import" shirts. :heh:

Gosh, it was an amazing show, I cannot express in words how grateful am I that you finally came here to US, even to NY, to visit us and play for us. It was some sort of dream come true to me. Everybody in the band was enjoying themselves, and it was indeed one of the most fun shows I've ever been. Hope somebody makes a video of the whole thing, to relive the awesomeness of the show.

Thank you Evile. You'll see me again on May in NY, when you come back with Overkill!!!

Thank you Ol, for being super cool and fun to talk to. Joel was also great in the show, and I am glad all is going well for all of you. Much respect and THANKS to EVILE. :headbang:
Woohoo, thats what I wanted to hear

I am so glad you really enjoyed them, I have been dying to know what our American cousins think of Evile and now we know and you are getting & feeling the same joy when we all hear and see Evile
Evile, yes they where very good live. I had a fantastic time! I'm stoked to see them again in 3 weeks. They are as good live as I've heard. Joel is fitting in great, they all looked great, and no screw ups as far as I tell. Great Setlist, a little short, but hey, they played their best stuff.

not in order, and might be forgetting a song or two, I'm old, it happens:
We Who Are About to Die
Enter the Grave
Infected Nations
No More Time

Got a kick ass hoodie (not as thick as thought it was going to be) and a very well used Old Rake Guitar Pick :kickass:
Killfest in Toronto was a great time. The Setlist was the same as Kreator's, which of course means it kicks ass, but too short. But Matt mentioned that they are trying to come back in November, I hope so, cause I'll be there.

One thing I must say having meet even briefly each member at Killfest and Kreator as well as when they are on stage, they are just very natural humble dudes. There are no fake personas.

Thanks for another great night Evile.




I also have to comment that the singer for Warbringer shot the biggest snot-rocket I've ever seen, he could of killed someone with that.
Damn! The lighting in that place is soooooo much better than it was in the venue I saw them...... All the pictures I took came out dark as HELL. :(
Yes that would be a new Tatt, looks pretty good too.

I was able to get a proper Digital Camera in this time, so that is why it looks good. But I must say the Kreator Venue was a hell of alot better, but it is one of the best venues for concerts (Opera house)
Saw Evile for the second time (in less than a month!) Tues night on the Killfest tour in L.A. To absolutely no one's surprise, they were awesome again. :headbang: I had my trusty iPhone with crappy built-in camera, so apologies for the sub-standard pics...

I got there early, this time wearing my Evile gas mask shirt to show my support for the guys. Thought I was going to get there late and possibly miss their set (which would make me look really lame wearing their shirt), but fortunately, they opened the doors late. Found a spot at the front left corner of the rail after Woe of Tyrants' set...and proceeded to stay there for the next several hours!

Evile (with help) started setting up behind the screen. I yelled at Ol, Ben and Matt in turn as they came in. I made sure they saw my shirt so they knew at least one person was there to see them (haha). Unfortunately, I never saw Joel until the screen went up since he was on the far opposite side of me. I heard all kinds of 10-second covers for soundchecks - Maiden, Metallica, Anthrax, Pantera being just but a few.

Finally the screen went up, and the crowd had definitely increased in size by then. The band started into "Infected Nation" (this time bypassing the clean intro guitar bit) and it was on. I knew that they were going to be playing the same set (minus "Bathe in Blood") as last month, but it just as awesome to sing along to the second time!



The crowd reaction was great - a lot of them had seen Evile last month and were back for more. There were definitely more people singing along that I saw compared to the Kreator crowd. I even saw a couple other Evile shirts out there. The band looked and sounded good. Ol was in front of me and didn't hesitate to bust out the crouching ninja on our happy asses:


As with all good things, it was soon over and the band thanked everyone for coming out. I'm glad the crowd came out in force for the guys, and IMO it looked and sounded like the guys were thrilled about it:


As the guys broke down their set, I asked Ol if he had any extra picks and he handed me one. In case some of you were scratching your heads wondering what Weapon X was talking about above, here is the official "Old Rake" pick! :lol: I'm curious, Ol - was the misplacement of the "d" done on purpose or a mistake on someone's part?


A cool souveigner! Unfortunately, I will only be able to use it to pick my nose currently, since I'm not much of a guitar hero except in air guitar.

The rest of the bands rocked, and Overkill was just unbelievable in their greatness! And I will back up Weapon X's assessment of the Warbringer frontman's snot rockets - he should have a permit for those. :ill:

Great show again, guys!
Old Rake is Ol's name basically hahaha. If you say his name quite fast then it just sounds like Old Rake - there's an interview on Youtube somewhere from 2007 (just before EtG was released) where right at the start the lass is like "What? Is that your real name?" and Ol is like "No, OL DRAKE" "OHHHHHHH" :lol:

Christ I think Ol bing a piece of aging gardening equipment is older than time itself