How Did MADPOWER turn out??


Ken Luther
Mar 11, 2005
Valparaiso, IN
...echoing a question Jasonic posted in the Eden's Fall forum...

How did Madpower go last weekend? Good crowd? How was John's turn in Twelfth Gate? Does Mindwarp Chamber still kick ass? We need news, people!! :)

MADPOWER was a blast! As I'm sure you heard, Cellador canceled at the last minute, but all the other bands made up for it! We were talking after the show that this was the only fest that we could think of that there were NO bad bands... All of them kicked some serious ass! It was a non-stop Metal assault! The beers were only $2, so let just say things got a little crazy ;)

John did a killer job w/ Twelfth Gate. It was cool to see him from the other side of the stage. He sang everything in a more raspy style. It was totally different from what Scott or Red did, but actually sounded pretty damn cool. He sang 4 songs for them (all off of Threshold), plus Scott came up on stage and sang Inner Core and Innocent.

Big thanks to Dave from Mirror Black for putting together an awesome fest and the guys from C.C. Riders (owners of the venue) for making us all feel welcome. Madpower keeps getting better and better and is definately worth the ride from Chicago to go... Can't wait until next year!!! :headbang:
Jasonic said:
This forum is so quiet, you can hear the crickets!

I guess the people that hang out here just aren't as opinionated as some people on other forums...but I won't name names or forums...hehe. :p

Anyway, it may be a bit quiet now, but I suspect things will start to pick up once we start making announcements...which should hopefully be VERY soon!

Until then, enjoy the relaxed atmosphere. :cool:
I guess the people that hang out here just aren't as opinionated as some people on other forums...but I won't name names or forums...hehe. :p

Oh snaps!! Rob took a pot shot at me!!!!!!!!!
I am a paying attendee of Chicago Powerfest so you be nice!!! :lol:

Yes, I am very opinionated.
I can talk about metal 24 hours a day.
(Hence my heavy post count!!)
Oh snaps!! Rob took a pot shot at me!!!!!!!!!
I am a paying attendee of Chicago Powerfest so you be nice!!! :lol:

Yes, I am very opinionated.
I can talk about metal 24 hours a day.
(Hence my heavy post count!!)

Hehe...don't flatter yourself. :p I was NOT talking about you.

Actually, I like your straight-up posts... :kickass:
Wait, remind me who's basement was Madpower 2006 held in??



It was actually at a private biker club (CC Riders Clubhouse) that was open to the public for this event. Aside from the stage, it was one of the coolest places I've ever played at...the atmosphere kicked ass & the bikers were cool as hell!! Can't wait to play there again!!
It was actually at a private biker club (CC Riders Clubhouse) that was open to the public for this event. Aside from the stage, it was one of the coolest places I've ever played at...the atmosphere kicked ass & the bikers were cool as hell!! Can't wait to play there again!!
I remember (rather vaguely, lol) going there after Mirror Black played on Halloween a couple of years ago. That was great fun! I miss being able to just drive over and see you guys...and I'm still kicking myself for missing Powerfest this year. Will do everything I can to make it next time!! :headbang: