How did you become an Enchant fan?


New Metal Member
Jun 6, 2003
Me, I've been a long time Genesis fan. I found a tribute CD entitled "Supper's Ready--Another Serving From the Musical Box" (i think that's what it's called) so I decided to buy it. Not a bad CD, it had some good bands/artists like Annie Haslam (of Renaissance), World Trade (Yes's Billy Sherwood),....and this band I had never heard of called Enchant doing a cover of "Man of Our Times". I was blown away by their version; in fact I liked it so much I went to and ordered Juggling 9 or Dropping 10 right away. I've been a fan ever since.
I also got a Yes tribute CD with Enchant doing a version of "Changes" but this wasn't quite as impressive as Man of Our Times. (and yes, I only really bought it because it had Enchant on it).
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A friend of mine made me a compilation CD that had "Colors Fade" on it, and that made me really want to buy "Juggling 9 or Dropping 10". Then, that album made me want to buy the rest of their stuff (which I'm still working on, but I will get around to it, believe me. :) ).

So, that's pretty much it.
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A friend of mine, Dr. Mosh way back in late '97 gave me a list of cds and bands to check out when I was hanging out in #ytsejam. He said that A Blueprint of the World was a must. He was right. Blueprint is an absolute perfect debut cd. Brilliant. One spin and I was hooked. I play it weekly...if not daily. I use it to cleanse my aural pallette between reviews. Been an Enchant fan ever since.

Well this is a funny one. i download about 2 gigs worth of MP3's off the newsgroups a week. I burn a few CD's and bring them to work to listen to them. The ones that I like I burn to an audio format so I can give it a more of a close listen to while Im in the car or working out. I filter it out from there and buy the ones that I really like because I like to have the cd art and lyrics to look at while Im listing to it. Also it gives the artist his or her payday too!!! I do not believe in artist putting out 1 good song and the rest is total crap and you just wasted 15.99 on a cd. Im a firm beliver in try before I buy. Well the same was for Enchant!! The first Mp3 cd that I heard from them is BOAE. I fell in love with that CD. I thought that it was one of the best CD's I have heard in quite some time. Eventhough at the time I was listing to the lateset releases from Planet X (moonbabies, Live from oz) which is a hard act to follow. I was kind of curious about the older stuff. I listen to a lot of prog internet radio and I heard "Paint The Picture" I thought that one rocked, a bit more proggy than BOAE. So I ordered BOAE and J9OD10. Then I say wounded and time lost and break posted. I downloaded them and I Instantly fell in love with the music. I went to CDnow and ordered them. Believe it or not Blueprint of the world was the last CD that I bought from Enchant. This one I never heard before and was quite suprised while I listened to it. I hate to say this and I know I will be flamed for this one but it is my least Favorite Enchant CD. not that I dont like it because I do but the other Cd's I think are more my flavor. My fav songs on ABOTW are Oasis Catharsis, At Deaths Door and Open Eyes.

I recently downloaded Xen about 2 months ago. I liked it so much that I ordered it but took forever to get to me due to it being an import. I have high hopes for the next CD.
For me it started with Rush (been a fan for oohh...24 years now).

The Rush forum got me hooked on Dream Theater.

The Dream Theater forum got me hooked on Spock's Beard.

The Spock's Beard forum got me hooked on Enchant.

The Enchant forum got me hooked on .............

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For me it started with Rush (been a fan for oohh...24 years now).

The Rush forum got me hooked on Dream Theater.

The Dream Theater forum got me hooked on Spock's Beard.

The Spock's Beard forum got me hooked on Enchant.

The Enchant forum got me hooked on .............

Was looking for some new stuff, checked out, looked at the "Essential Buy" section under "Releases".

Recognized (and love) a lot of the stuff that was there such as Beard, Stolt, and Flower Kings, so I took a gamble on some of the other stuff listed including a cd titled "Break" by some band that call themselves "Enchant".
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Friend of mine who actually at one point worked with Mike Varney (still keeps in touch with Mike once in a blue moon) in the past knew about Enchant. Of course being such a Marillion fan :) he told me about a certain "guitarist" working on the album with them. Rest is history so they say! :)
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Well, it's easy. The thing started with me receiving a couple of mp3 files from "Juggling 9..." album. These files were marked as "file01.mp3" and "file02.mp3", so I started asking around to know more about that band that sounded that melodic mixed with awesome arrangements. Finally, someone told me that perhaps these were a couple of Enchant songs, so I bought "A Blueprint of The World" without think it twice. :) Now I count on three original Enchant albums (the one aforementioned, "Juggling 9 or Dropping 10" and "Blink of an Eye").

Coldfire Mouse said:
A friend of mine, Dr. Mosh way back in late '97 gave me a list of cds and bands to check out when I was hanging out in #ytsejam.

DING DING DING! Same here. :D

Crazy freakin' Mosh. Wonder what he's up to? I hit #ytsejam now and again and he's still lurking there like he always did, but never responds. hehehe.
Moshie is evil and must be destroyed ;) hehehehehe he's ruined my bank accounts a few times recommending things to me back when I was new. However I shall spare him for it was he who turned me onto Enchant. :) And for that he has a redeeming quality.

However dearest Korgie...I do hear from him ..perhaps once a week or so. And he occasionally makes an appearance on the Ytsejam list. Unlike you..who I rarely see or hear from dahlin :) E-mail me sometime will ya?

That Coldfire type person
Well it all happened when a friend gave me a cd with some mp3's, it happens that there was a couple of songs from 'blink of an eye' amongst them. The funny part is when I used to play GTAIII, I would put some mp3's in the mp3 folder (DUH!) so I could listen to them during the game. But I actually got hooked up on them while listening to it while I was crushing a couple of people with my car haha...funny really.
It wasn't easy in my case. Thanx to a friend (who was a Marillion fan - as me) I became a fan of Spock's Beard. The friend discovered Enchant a few weeks after that and fell in love with them. She played me bits from "Blink of an Eye" and "Blueprint of the World" but I DIDN'T like it, Ted's voice seemed uninteresting and I didn't like the whole sound of this band, especially the fact that their music was very "guitar-oriented". I expected something with more keyboards, something like the Beard. The other fact that influenced me that day was that we had some difficult problems with this friend and the day became one of the worst days in my life. :erk: After that day the relationship between us almost broke and we didn't speak to each other for a very very long time.
However, during this period, maybe even thanx to this problems, I started to like new kinds of music, heavier stuff with more guitar. I fell in love with Rush (I didn't know them before!), Dream Theater a.o. One day I found "Juggling" in a shop with used CDs. I liked the cover very much and one thing that made me think of buying this album was the fact, that it had Marillion and Spock's Beard in the credits, two of my fave bands! I listened to it in the shop and loved the opening of "Paint the Picture" (maybe because it's so Rush-like) and decided to buy it. It took me a while to really get into the album as a whole, at first the songs seemed too similar to each other. But very soon I fell in love with "Colors Fade", "Traces", "What to Say" and others and I found out what a great album it was. After that I soon bought "Break", "Wounded" and "Blink of an Eye". I don't have the others yet, but will get them as soon as I can, because now I absolutely love this band, and can't wait to get "Tug of War". :)

Btw, if anyone's interested, we're friends again with that girl :cool:
I bought the Blueprint CD in 1993 after hearing a few bits and was hooked. Bought every album since without listening! Saw them several times - in fact I missed only one gig in Holland (1997 opening for Dream Theater, first night in Tilburg) because the venue said the opening act would start a certain time and when I arrive at that time, they'd already finished!

I read that Craddick was an awesome drummer from a post on the Mike Portnoy Forum, so I went to Magna Carta's website and downloaded some stuff from Blueprint of the World and I was hooked ever since! I now own all of their CD's.
Actually I discovered the band when Break came out in stores. It was a pure coincidence as the record was played loud in the store. When I heard Ted's vocals, I was like “What the hell is this, who the hell is singing like that ?"
So the guy from the record store showed me the CD and I started to listen to “break“, “King“ and “My Enemy“. And I immediately fell in love wiith this band. When I came back home, I listened to the cd the whole damn night. This was actually the first time a cd would get me captivated this way ! Not even Dream Theater's Images and Words blew me such this way !

The day after, I came back to my record store and bought “A Blueprint Of The World“, “Wounded“ and “Time Lost“ and then I was on for countless hours of listenning and realized I discovered a wonderful band which I had the chance to see live with spock's beard on november 3rd 1998 in Paris !
Man how they (obviously) kicked ass and I got the setlist later in the evening he he !

By the way Doug, Ted, any memories from this show with the Beard in Paris ?