How did you find out about Zero Hour?


Are You Morbid?
Just curious, since they're an up and coming group without a lot of the notariety of their peers.

I kept running into the name on the UM board and then checked out The little write up there was more than enough. Luckily, my local record store stocked Metamorphosis, and I kept looking at it until I finally went in and bought it. Just awesome stuff.
i wanted some prog albums so i went to the Laser's Edge store, and i happened across that little description Ken Golden wrote about Towers of Avarice. sounded cool, so i bought it. i was blown away and instantly grabbed Metamorphosis. been a huge ZH fan ever since.
I went to high school with Jasun and Troy, been best of friends way before Zero Hour, and are still to this day. I consider Troy my best friend. So I have just been there for the ride, and what an incredible ride it has been.

Bob 'Buddah'
I come from the Laser Edge. Been a prog metal fan since the first Dream Theater album; wanted to discover some new bands and liked what I read. Been a big fan ever since but what really did it for me was watching them live, it has not been often that a band has not only lived up to my expecations but went beyond them.
Discovered ZH way back in 1998...August or September I think. One of my one chattin' buddies kept telling me to go check out the samples on their website. I finally did and have been hooked ever since!! :headbang:

I bought their first album on a whim, then after that I kept running into Troy and Jason around the bay area at shows, music stores etc. Cool dudes, great musicians. :hotjump:
From the days of Napster...stumbled upon Towers and downloaded it. Immediately hooked. Went to the local Borders the NEXT day, scoured and found the disc, bought it, and "1 gazillion to the 10th power" listens later, still one of my all time fav cds!!!!
Back when I was still in California and working in a comic book shop Troy's girlfriend dropped in and heard me playing some Fates Warning. She mentioned Troy was into them and that he and his bro also worked in a comic book shop in the next town over. I paid them a visit found out they are two of the coolest guys around and bought their EP. Been giving them as much support as I can since then.